Rezultati pretrage


Nismo je videli od 1960-ih, a sada se zbog korone ova umetnost vratila na velika vrata

Brojne kampanje sadrže poziv umetnicima da stvaraju i šalju svoje radove


Final decision: Curfew starts on Thursday at 6 pm, lasts until Saturday at 5 am

Only two people will be allowed to be gathered in a public space after the curfew ends


Dr. Kon revelas when the state of emergency will be lifted: Curfew - probably as the president said

"I don't feel good about that, I have to say it most sincerely," said Dr. Kon


Kako da postignete ekstremni volumen tzv. svilenih trepavica u sekundi - i to potpuno besplatno!

Ovaj trik je oduševio milione žena


Jedan američki grad prerano je ukinuo mere uvedene zbog epidemija, a onda se broj umrlih duplirao

Lekcija iz istorije koja treba da posluži kao primer država da danas ne žure sa popuštanjem mere uvedenih zbog korona virusa


Day after: How is Serbia's brewing industry doing, and how one beer beat corona

Craft brewing is one of the worst-hit branches of small businesses around the world, given the nature of their sale, which is mostly directly to establishments


Hi-Tech posle korone: Silazak u narod

Tehnološka dostignuća, odavno postojeća i ona novijeg datuma, zahvaljujući pandemiji korona virusa izbila su u prvi plan i, čini se više nego ikada do sada, ubrzano počela da "silaze u narod"


List of dates of lifting of coronavirus measures: Parks reopen, city transport restarts on this date

As of today, parks are reopening, but everyone must keep a distance


Kinezi razvili sprej koji štiti površine od virusa tokom 90 dana: Već je u prodaji

Naučnicima sa Univerziteta za nauku i tehnologiju trebalo je 10 godina da razviju ovaj premaz nazvan MAP-1


Cicipas smestio Kirjosu vrhunsku foru za rođendan, ovaj odlepio: Ti si potpuni idiot!

Grk je objavio javno broj telefona australijskog tenisera


Špansko letovalište uvodi "Covid free" sertifikat za hotele koji poštuju bezbednosne mere

Da bi dobili ovaj sertifikat hoteli će biti u obavezi da ispoštuju niz protokola


"Curfew could be in effect for May Day and Djurdjevdan; big gatherings unlikely before summer"

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said it would be logical to take curfew into consideration as a measure during the upcoming holidays


Minister explains what life will be like after the measures are lifted: We'll have to wear 2 things

"We have to get used to living with coronavirus," said Minister Loncar


Tinejdžerka 9 meseci nije imala pojma da je trudna, sve dok se nije porodila u kupatilu

Tokom trudnoće telo joj se nije promenilo i imala je redovne menstruacije


What about elections, and when will the first campaign events begin in Serbia?

It is inevitable that, once a state of emergency has been abolished, we will move on to the topic of elections


Dr. Kon reveals when state of emergency will be lifted in Serbia: Coronavirus is seriously weakening

We will be nearing the end of the epidemic when we exit its 8th week


"Coronavirus should weaken in late May": Dr Kon reveals state of emergency could be lifted earlier

Without incidental situations like the one in Nis, the virus, the number of newly infected people should be declining in the coming weeks, says Kon


Utvarama protiv korona virusa: U Indoneziji koriste duhove da bi ljudi poštovali karantin

Indonezija je u najmanju ruku primenila vrlo neobičan pristup kada je reč o građanima koji se ne pridržavaju mera


Agreement reached between Vucic and Patriarch Irinej?

The SPC has so far respected and respects the prescribed measures and recommendations of the government of the Republic of Serbia - a statement said


Život unuke Lava Tolstoja, bogatašice Aleksandre Tolstoj: Udaja za milionera, pretnje smrću i krah

Sergej Pugačov je ogromno bogatstvo procenjeno na 15 milijardi dolara stekao u post-komunističkoj Rusiji. Posedovao je rudnike uglja, brodogradilišta, dizajnerske brendove, pa čak i jednu od najvećih ruskih privatnih banaka. Sad mu je ostalo samo 70 miliona dolara...

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