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Shopping malls are reopening in Serbia today: Here's what's important to know

Shopping malls must not use central air conditioning, as it increases the risk of virus transmission

Info Biz

Danas se otvaraju tržni centri: Evo šta je važno da znate

Šoping molovi ne smeju da koriste centralnu klimatizaciju, jer ona povećava rizik transmisije virusa


Ovo je plan protokola za rad svih hotela u Grčkoj, evo šta tačno čeka goste

Okvir principa koji će se primenjivati u svim hotelima u Grčkoj, bez obzira na veličinu, broj zvezdica i vreme rada


Serbian Army also returning to regular activities: You will no longer see soldiers in the streets

The minister said that the Serbian Armed Forces once again proved how much they mean to their country


Uznemirujući podaci o tome kako se kapljice kašlja šire i do 3m! Držite sigurnu distancu!

Putovanje čestica zavisi od težine kašlja i strujanja vazduha u određenoj sredini


Last curfew ended in Serbia this morning: Respect the measures that are still in force

Last night, a state of emergency, that was introduced on March 15, was lifted


What measures are lifted in Serbia on Thursday - what remain in force after the state of emergency?

Doctors say it's important to apply basic precautions


Doctor explains if pools will be open this summer; No decision yet on testing during border crossing

Kon said he was skeptical that we have developed significant immunity among the population, and that is why we should be careful, because most people are sensitive to the virus. He did not rule out the possibility that the virus had been present sporadically as early as in December, as said on social networks


Incredible scenes in Nis and Leskovac: Cafes overcrowded, measures go unobserved, road parties held

Until recently, Nis was a hotspot of coronavirus, while Leskovac almost became one


Assembly to decide today on ending state of emergency in Serbia; but emergency measures to remain

The session will be held in the National Assembly House starting at 10 am

Auto vesti

"Kineska Octavia" iz američke fabrike uskoro stiže na tržište, cena "prava sitnica"

Nova liftbek limuzina ima motor zapremine 1,5 litar sa 99 konjiskih snaga u osnovnoj i 147 u turbo verziji


New Crisis HQ recommendation: No mass gatherings until May 31?

As we learn from a source familiar with HQ's proposals, except for the ban on mass gatherings, experts agree to lift the ban on people over the age of 65 leaving their homes


Uhapšena jer je kašljala u prodavnici, pa lizala ruku i hvatala namirnice

Samo nedelju dana ranije primećena je kako čini to isto u jednoj radnji brze hrane


Ne krivite druge za svoje nesupehe i postanite svesni: Noletove lekcije koje će vam promeniti život

Najbolji srpski teniser počeo je svoju seriju emisija "Svesno življenje", a prvi gost bio je njegov životni učitelj Žarko Ilić


Planina iz "Igre prestola" podigao pola tone i postavio novi svetski rekord u deadliftingu

Kakvu snagu ima Haftor Julius Bjornson


4 more persons die of coronavirus in Serbia, 197 in total; 93 new cases, bringing total to 9,557

The latest data on the coronavrirus caused disease and deaths in Serbia has been published today on the website.


First step made towards ending state of emergency in Serbia!

At the moment, this proposal is being adopted, after which it should be forwarded to the National Assembly


What mass testing will look like: Families to be selected randomly, clusters to be detect

Dr. Darija Kisic-Tepavcevic stated that mass testing of randomly selected families will help us discover the level of immunity


Vucic: Elections could be held on June 14 or 21; here's when state of emergency will be lifted

The state of emergency in Serbia will be lifted when conditions are met, said the president of Serbia, adding that the main condition is the start of reduction of the number of people sick with coronavirus who are on ventilators, and for to have below 5% infected for seven days in a row


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