Bila je ravna kao daska, a onda se kladila sa trenerom da će napraviti obline: Rezultat je nestvaran

Debi Šugru (28) bila je očajna kada joj je 2013. godine fitnes trener rekao da ima lošu genetiku i da bez pomoći plastične hirurgije nikada neće moći da ima obline kakve želi. Irkinja koja se preselila u Australiju dve godine je vredno vežbala u teretani, ali kako nije dobila figuru kakvu je priželjkivala, odlučila je da razgovara sa trenerom. Bila je fit, ali ne i ženstvena.
- Uzalud ti je sve, tvoje telo je takvo kakvo je, postigli smo maksimum. Zaboravi na obline, genetika ti nije naklonjena, jedini način da imaš oblu guzu jeste da odeš na plastičnu operaciju - poručio joj je trener kojem je bezgranično verovala pune dve godine.
Goals💁♀️ - Fitness goals are different for everyone and progress is not always based on aesthetics! - I have been training since 2011 and since then I have tried so many things and measured my progress in so many ways! - We all have a right to try out as many things as we need in life to find our favourites! Don’t ever be afraid to try💘 - My need when it comes to progress is measured on how I feel about the process and how happy doing it makes me day to day! - To be successful in anything you have to fully believe and own YOUR goals! - Left - I wasn’t following a program for aesthetics but I was consistently training! I was super fit & loved performance based sport like running and I was continually improving! - Right - I was focused on creating a physical condition good enough to compete in a bikini comp. - I was told I didn’t have genetics to build Glutes & that running was better for my body. - Being told something isn’t always accurate, You are in control of what you are good and not good at based on your focus and where you invest your energy! - When you want to do something well.. & you keep going you will see progress! Don’t ever let anyone else predict your future by assuming they’ve seen everything you’ve got ! - Don’t be afraid to say no to what you don’t want to do and YES to go after what YOU want now 🤍 - Remember YOLO 🤭🤭🤭 #wbff #wbffofficial #wbffbikini #fitness #transformation #transformationtuesdayA post shared by Debbie_WBFF Bikini Diva 🙆♀️ (@debbiesugrue2) onView this post on Instagram
Danas, sedam godina otkako je prvi put kročila u teretanu, Debi ne samo što ima telo kakvo je želela još od tinejdžerskih dana, već i odlazi na takmičenja bodi-bilderki!
Uradila je najlogičniju i najjednostavniju stvar - promenila je fitnes trenera, a onda i program treninga i režim ishrane.
Had a self care day at the spa 🧖♀️ ! - So important to do what our body needs over what our mind thinks we need! - I always struggle with rest days though. - I was wondering if anyone might know why I can’t get to sleep at night after rest days ? - Is that normal or...!? - Current Goals -: prepping for photoshoots and 4 days in on @laurensimpsonfitness BikiniXStrong challenge !! I love it !! It is amazing #LSF #wbff #fit #swim @whitefoxswim @wbff_aust @wbffentertainment @n8fitness #wbffofficial #wbffworlds #photooftheday #pool #spa #fitnessmotivation #glutes #gluteworkout #body #transformation #bodybuilding #fatloss #lean #buildingA post shared by Debbie_WBFF Bikini Diva 🙆♀️ (@debbiesugrue2) onView this post on Instagram
Debi danas radi samo vežbe za gluteus tri do četiri puta nedeljno, sve manje radi kardio-vežbe i nikada ne napravi manje od 8.000 koraka dnevno. Ni u vreme karantina zbog korona virusa nije zabušavala - vežbala je kao da je sve u najboljem reedu.
Nothing beats this feeling & the @wbff_aust journey! - I was answering some questions yesterday about comp prep ❤️ - People frequently ask - Do I end up with negative post show food/ body image issues? - My answer - Absolutely not for me - Competing is a sport ... this is the main point people miss! - Sports at a competitive level are not for everyone! - Just cause you can do it, doesn’t mean it is the right move for you. - All sports require an individual to be more then just capable of doing it. - That is not enough to be “cut out” for a sport. - This sport is definitely appealing! When you see the end result ! - It is inspiring but it takes everything and more to do one show & to keep doing more! - I’ve loved it ... ever since the day I found my love for the gym and I truely lived my lifestyle very similar to an athlete when I wasn’t competing, so for me this sport is perfect! - For any sport.. It is not just simply the end result that matters overall! - All sport requires 365 days of input - It is a lifestyle & you need to understand it will consume most of your life. - Mentally, physically and emotionally it should be rewarding and really positive. - All stages of the prep require athletes to feel normal in an “uncomfortable” place. 365days a year - Realistically this sport requires a lot ! - It could absolutely damage people who are not cut out for this long term! - Competing is extremely rewarding but it is not for everyone! - Athletes compete in all sports and rarely do people look at a sport and aim for the Olympics with no experience - just cause they want to go! - Competing doesn’t have many negatives from my perspective! It guarantees that I can be disciplined, consistent, and get results via my own effort! - I don’t do it for the body! It’s not a way to force my body to get shredded & then fall off the wagon after! - It is a sport it is not supposed to be an extreme diet & training plan with a medal at the end to get in shape & blame comp prep for body image / food issues! - Food is fuel. Training is the best & doing shows are great for people who want to be and commit to that top level in this area! - 🥰A post shared by Debbie_WBFF Bikini Diva 🙆♀️ (@debbiesugrue2) onView this post on Instagram
Njena ishrana takođe je prilagođenja izgradnji mišića.
Za doručak jede ovsene pahuljice, šest belanaca, 100 grama borovnica i dve kašike putera od badema. Za ručak su na njenoj trpezi nemasno meso, pirinač i velika porcija salate, a za večeru losos ili nemasno meso, slatki krompir i sveže povrće. Debi ne preskače ni užinu; između obroka gricka bademevoće, proteinske pločice ili crnu čokoladu.
Debi ima jasnu poruku za sve one koji bi želeli da nešto promene u životu, ali nemaju podršku okoline:
- Ne odustajte nikad! Verujte u sebe i svoje mogućnosti, i dajte sve od sebe da ostvarite ono što ste zamislili. Negativni ljudi će pokušavati da vam otmu energiju, ali nemojte se obazirati na njih. Samo hrabro idite svojim putem i rezultati neće izostati!
Video: Predstava "Svaka ptica svome jatu" premijerno izvedena u Beogradskom dramskom pozorištu zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
Nije uvek potrebna plastična hirurgija. Nekad su dovoljni i steroidi.
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