Objavila je sliku svog tela kako bi ono izgledalo seksi u 90-im, kako danas, a kako pre nekoliko stotina godina (FOTO)
Dok je razmak između butina dugo bio najpoželjniji kod izgleda žena, sada je biti mršav sa tankim nogama, butinama i velikom zadnjicom postao imperativ.
Fitnes blogerka Kejsi Ho odlučila je da fotošopira svoje fotografije i na svom primeru pokaže kako su se standardi lepote promenili kroz godine. Počevši od 1400. do 1700. pa sve do 2018. godine ona je pokazala koji oblik tela je najpoželjniji i kome žene najviše teže.
Real me today, 2018. . You know, this project was so interesting to me because as I was looking at myself getting photoshopped, I thought that I might secretly like one of the results. But the super odd thing was…all of them didn’t sit right with me. Not one! As obvious as it is to say this, I didn’t look like myself in the photos. I actually much prefer my body just as it is. Sure I’ve got a small butt, small boobs, a soft belly, and hip dips, but I’ve also got powerful legs, strong shoulders, and a figure that is all mine – unlike anyone else’s. . My question to all of us women is this: Why do we treat our bodies like we treat fashion? Who’s telling us what’s in and what’s out? . The more I think about this, the more I see the parallels between the fashion industry and the media industry. . The Media = The “designers” telling us who’s body is “in” based on the type of women we see chosen for ads, TV, and movies. Social media is no exception. The explore page on IG is currently full of Kim K bootied influencers. . Influencers and celebrities = The “runway models” that women look up to, want to look like, and even become. However, being the “it girl” doesn’t last long, so before we know it, there’s a new “cool girl” that’s been casted for the show, and now women unknowingly want to look like her because they see her everywhere. . Problem? You can’t just throw out a body part just because it’s “last season”!!! I mean, I guess you could, but you’re gonna lose a lot of $, time, and...blood. And seriously, are you going to let someone else tell you that the way your mother brought you into this world isn’t good enough? . BOTTOM LINE: Please treat your body with love & respect and do not succumb to the beauty standard. Embrace your body because it is YOUR own perfect body. . If you know a girl who needs to hear this message today, please tag her. . Also, I want to thank the amazing artist @danielkordek for helping me photoshop my body! (Haha, thought I’d never say that!) I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now, and would not have been able to do it at this level without his help. #blogilates #theperfectbodyОбјава коју дели Cassey Ho (@blogilates) данаПогледајте ову објаву у апликацији Instagram
Kejsi je objasnila kako je zaobljena figura i uhranjenost bio statusni simbol i simbol bogatstva u renesansnoj Italiji. Onda je došla na ideju da prikaže 1920. kao godinu kada je na ceni bio dečački izgled i androgena figura. Tada su žene utezale svoje grudi ne bi li ušle u ravne haljine.
Onda je na scenu stupila figura peščanog sata koju su promovisale Elizabet Tejlor i Merlin Monro. One su postale idoli mnogim devojkama, a došlo je do proboja Plejboja i Barbi lutkica.
U ranim 90-im mršavost je bila u trendu. Koščato telo, mršavi udovi i super mršavi izgled osvojili su modne piste i nasloven strane časopisa. Postojao je čak i naziv za takvo telo - heroin chic!
Od sredine 90-ih sve do 2000. velike grudi, ravan stomak i razmak između nogu bili su u modi. 2010. operacija uvećanja grudi je operacija koja se izvede najviše puta u jednoj godini kada je reč o estetskoj hirurgiji. To je doba angela brenda Victorias Secret. “Anđeo” je visok, mršav i uvek ima duge noge i bujno poprsje.
Period od 2010. do 2018. donosi nam velike zadnjice, široke kukove, uzak struk i pune usne. Postoji ogromna potražnja za implantiam u zadnjici zahvaljujući Instagram zvezdica koje kače svoje “belfije”. Čak su se i mnogi plastični hirirzi proslavili time što su kačili fotografije žena koje su uspeli da preoblikuju. Od 2012. do 2014, potreba za ugradnjom implanta u zadnjicu i injekcije povećana je za 58 odsto.
Kejsi je sve upozorila da je proizvodnja tela mnogo opasnija od proizvodnje odeće i da ne trebamo da tretiramo naša tela kao modne detalje koji su jedne sezone u trendu, a druge su demode.
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