Slike koje ulivaju nadu: Priroda u Australiji pokazuje prve znake života nakon devastirajućih požara
Poslednjih nekoliko meseci Australija se suočava sa velikim prirodnim katastrofama izazvanim ekstremnim vremenskim prilikama; od razornih požara, pa sve do poplava do kojih je došlo nakon što se period suše odjednom završio.
Slike i video klipovi štete koju su požari nanosili mogle su da se vide svuda po internetu. Međutim, dok požari i dalje besne na pojedinim mestima u Australiji, priroda je počela da daje znake života na područjima kroz koje je vatra prošla.
The future generation, regrowth of both vegetation and wild life after the fires at Yanchep National Park Western Australia 🌱🦘 #yanchep #yanchepfires #perthisok #helloperth #perthtoday #perthnow #helloperth #australia #newgeneration #regrowth #kangaroo #wildlife #australiaburns #australiaisburning #visitwesternaustralia #wa #nationalpark #wallaby #nativetoaustralia #yanchepnationalpark #burnt #abc #abcperth #newbeginnings #vegetation #soperth #nativewildlifeA post shared by Max (@max_maujean) onView this post on Instagram
Fire. Regrowth. Pretty in its own way surrounded by black. #nswfires #woombahfires #regrowth #iluka #ilukafires #ijeep #rfs #cfa #firefighterA post shared by Fred (@ijeep) onView this post on Instagram
Some kangaroos back in the burnt bush. Feeding on new shoots ❤️ #natgeoyourshot #natgeo #bushfiresaustralia #australiaA post shared by Jenny Beck Images (@jennybeck63) onView this post on Instagram
Biljke su evoluirale kako bi zaštitile svoje pupoljke od vatre, što im je omogućilo da se brzo obnove i razmnože nakon spaljivanja površine, a čak koriste i prednost hranljivih materija iz pepela.
Masovno cvetanje nakon razorne vatre, sjajno zelenilo i crvene boje u sprženom i crnom pejzažu slike su prirode čija nas snaga ponovo zadivljuje.
As hard as it is to fathom the sheer scale of the current bushfires in Australia, but nature has ways to recover. Yes it may take decades but it will occur, slowly. Some Eucalyptus trees resprout new branches from under the bark on their trunks. . . #eucalyptus #eucalyptustree #eucalyptusplant #eucalyptusleaves #eucalyptuslove #regrowth #bushfire #bushfires #recovery #bushfiresaustralia #bushfirephotography #abcmelbourne #abclandline #abcaustralia #abcaustraliaphotographyA post shared by Naturenature (@nature_australian) onView this post on Instagram
Went back to where the bush fires were in Woodgate. More regrowth. Beautiful sight to see ❤️ #natgeoyourshot #natgeo #bushfiresaustralia #australia #instagramA post shared by Jenny Beck Images (@jennybeck63) onView this post on Instagram
Australian bushfires so devastating but how quickly the bush starts to regenerate #australianbushfires #southcoastnsw #hope #newlife #fires #australia#freshgrowth#regeneration #growth #bush #bushfiresaustraliaA post shared by debbie edmonds (@debbie.edmonds18) onView this post on Instagram
Regrowth. - Andy and I went up to Yengo this weekend and stopped off to take photos of regrowth in some of the areas of low to moderate intensity fire. The green bursting in the red and black is always inspiring. We saw an awful lot more wildlife than we usually do in the area as well - potentially animals that have fled from more serious fires. . . . #regrowth #grasstrees #wildfires #auswildlife #fire #nswfires #bushfiresaustraliaA post shared by Shane Orion Wiechnik (@crafts_and_conservation) onView this post on Instagram
U “Victoria’s Kinglake” nacionalnom parku 2011. godine, nakon najsmrtonosnijeg požara koji se desio u Australiji 2009. godine, otkrivena je nova, retka biljka, navodi Bored Panda.
Naime, kada vatra uništi vegetacijski sloj koji pokriva tlo, a koji sprečava da sunčeva svetlost dopre do dubljih slojeva zemlje, seme koje uspavano čeka u tlu dobija šansu da procveta, što ekosistemu omogućava da se obnovi na novi način.
Out of the fire new life occurs , the blackboy trees thrive on fires to allow regrowth #blackboytree #grasstree#fire#blackened #nikon#nikonphotography#d5600#photo#insta#worldprime#500px#australia_shotz#natgeo#natgeotravel#thephotosociety#artofvisuals#globalcapture#mynikonlifere#picoftheday#instagood#rawphotograpy#shootraw #fstoppers #southcoastnsw #summerfires #regrowthA post shared by Scott James (@fatmansphotography) onView this post on Instagram
But wait there's more. Eucalyptus Gum tree. Woohoo new shoots.🤗❤️😎🐨🌿 Love the texture and colour of the bark. #australianbushfires #regrowth #color #eucalyptusA post shared by Jenny Beck Images (@jennybeck63) onView this post on Instagram
And the fire came and burnt through the bush,preparing the earth for the new growth again.#fire#shoots#regrowth #ash#bush#bushwalk #nature #hike #wanderlust #explore #outdoors #nature #wander#naturewriting #writing #bluemountains #australia #🌝🙏✌️🏔🥾🇦🇺🌳🏞🌿⛰A post shared by OneWondersWhere (@onewonderswhere) onView this post on Instagram
Međutim, trenutna katastrofa je zasenila bilo koju godišnju sezonu požara. Sposobnost australijskog ekosistema da se obnovi ipak ne ublažava veličinu štete i patnje koju su preživeli ljudi i životinje.
Nažalost, staništa mnogih životinja koje su preživele šumske požare potpuno su uništena, te neće imati posebnu vrstu hrane sa kojom se inače hrane. Pojedini delovi ekosistema neće moći tako brzo da se oporave, što će dovesti do rasta broja žrtava i nakon požara, a neke vrste će biti dovedene do granice izumiranja.
Naučnici su procenili da je oko 30 odsto populacije koala već nestalo.
(T. T.)
Video: Policajac ga provalio za sekund: Bajker sakrio drogu na previše očigledno mesto
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