Odlazak na dijetu je seksualni napad, a da budemo vitki i zategnuti teraju nas nacisti: Predavanja "debele seks-terapeutkinje" izazvalo burne reakcije
Debljina je zdravlje, odlazak na dijetu je seksualni napad, a fitnes je nauka nacista i belih supremista, smatra Sonali Rašatvar, koja se predstavlja kao "Fat Sex Therapist" (što se prevodi i kao "debela seks-terapeutkinja" i kao "terapeutkinja za debeli seks"), gostujući na jednom fakultetu u Minesoti.
Komentatori ove tribine bili su u šoku, ali morali su i sami da priznaju da jak negativan stav prema fitnesu u jednom delu javnosti raste.
welcome to 52k, cats and kittens! . hiya, i’m sonalee - a non binary (aka not a lady or woman) queer bisexual social worker and sex therapist based in philly, specialized in treating sexual trauma and body image issues while using anti oppression & anti (intentional weight loss) diet lenses 🥨 i’m an activist therapist and the therapist for activists 😘 check out my website (link in bio) for more info! . thanks for the follow! for all you new folks, every few k i write an intro post :) . this is a photo of me by @kenzicrash back when i had longer hair, felt more femme than bemme, and clearly was having a perfect eyebrow day lmao . for this 52k here is a list of things you maybe didn’t know about me: - i grew up fat and was put on non consensual diets by my parents starting at 9yo - i always have a roll of cookie dough in my fridge and a box of brownie mix in my cupboards - i struggle w impostor syndrome - i pretend i’m a fast and furious driver while speeding - i love to sew and want to learn to make clothes for myself - i’ve been collecting beer bottle caps since 2010 for an art project i haven’t fully realized yet - i’m a very aquarian aquarius - i don’t believe in astrology - i’m not afraid of heights, but i am afraid of ladders and falling from a height - i love horses, but am also respectfully terrified by them - i have a sweet tooth - i identify as a dog person, and i have a very doglike cat named roofus pumpernickel dandelion (he’s VERY soft) - my comfort foods are american, soul, thai, and chinese - i always have a stack of books on my nightstand i’m 10 pages into - i collect south asian portraits, idk if it makes me basic but the human form is my favorite subject - my inner critic’s voice is the sound of my dad and he’s a HATER - i love swimming nude at the korean spa and maybe I’ll try a nude beach this summer - i have huge tattoos on my body and i have plans for more - my birthday is next week 😍 - behind every accomplishment, there is an entire pantheon of queer brown friends who’ve gotten me through - i treat myself and my friends like lovers . welcome ☺️ introduce yourself. how did you find me? what’s something folks don’t know about you?A post shared by Sonalee (@thefatsextherapist) onView this post on Instagram
- Iskreno verujem da dete ne može da se saglasi sa tim da ode na dijetu, isto kao što ne može da da svoj pristanak na seks. Ja čitavu ovu kulturu dijeta doživaljavam kao seksualni napd, jer one utiču na način na koji ja doživljavam svoje telo - rekla je ona.
Dok medicinska struka odavno prepoznaje obesnost, preteranu debljinu, kao razlog dijabetesa, visokog krvnog pritiska, bolesti srca, šlog i prerane smrti, Sonali je deo (sve većeg) broja aktivista koji propagiraju prihvatanje devljine i "zdravlje za svaki konfekcijski broj". Svojoj publici ona je rekla da je "nauka alat belih supremista da potisnu obesnost".
welcome to 57k, cats and kittens! . hiya, i’m sonalee - a non binary (aka not a lady or woman) queer bisexual social worker and sex therapist based in philly, specialized in treating sexual trauma and body image issues while using anti oppression & anti (intentional weight loss) diet lenses 🥨 i’m an activist therapist and the therapist for activists 😘 check out my website (link in bio) for more info! . thanks for the follow! for all you new folks, every few k i write an intro post :) . this is a photo of me by @aisha_usman at red lobster last week after i had a therapy breakthrough and decided to finally allow myself to have the haircut i really wanted . for this 57k here is a list of nice & not nice things i said to myself at the salon while i watched my hair get buzzed off: - wow my friends were right to push me to pay more than $15 for a haircut, this dude knows what he’s doing - my mom is going to hate this - what if my face looks EVEN FATTER than it is when i cut it so short - that’s stupid, sonalee. you’re fat face is not going to miraculously look fatter - people can already see EXACTLY how fat my face is with or without the hair covering me - i will not hide behind my hair, i am not afraid of fatphobic judgment. that happens already anyway - but why am i hesitant to part w this big feminine gender marker? what is holding me back from playing w gender in this fun way? - it’s just hair it’ll grow back - my cousin’s wedding is in two months, my fam is gonna freak out at how gay i look - omg i love how much i look like a boy! - my mother cannot have my hair. i get to have control over my body and what it looks like. her words from the last time i buzzed my hair cannot control me - treat yourself like a capable adult who makes smart decisions, sonalee. trust yourself! - i feel so sexy w this haircut wow - now that my hair doesn’t feel so feminine, i can play w feminine accessories like jewelry, makeup, and manicures - i rly rly love this new haircut - this feels gender affirming & hopefully will attract some new romance ☺️❤️ . welcome ☺️ introduce yourself. how did you find me? have you struggled with shedding the control someone else had over your body?A post shared by Sonalee (@thefatsextherapist) onView this post on Instagram
- Trebalo bi da budemo kritični prema upotrebi nauke i znanja u službu promocije nekih tela kao fit, vitkih, sposobnih i poželjnih... Da li je moja debljina razlog zašto imam visok krvni pritisak ili je moj pritisak posledica stigme, društvene osude sa kojom se suočavam zato što sam debele - pitala je Sonali.
"Nauka koja ima fobiju od debljine" je, po njoj, zapravo "eugenistička", odnosno "nauka nacista". Nakon što je porekla vezu između visokog pritiska i debljine, Sonali je čak pokušala da poveže ubilački nagon Brentona Taranta, čoveka koji je pucao u džamijama na Novom Zelandu, sa njegovom ljubavlju prema fitnesu.
- Nije iznenađujuće što je čovek koji je pucao na Novom Zelandu fitnes instruktor. Pucanjava je bila jasan znak da i dalje postoji idealizacija tela. Naciste su voleli ideju o idealnom telu i po meni ima mnogo smisla da jedan fitnes instruktor takođe razmišlja o idelanom telu na svoj način mršavog belog supremiste - rekla je Sonali, koja sebe opisuje kao "kraljicu krofni".
in my training to become a sex therapist i was offered an expanded understanding of sexuality, beyond penis in vagina intercourse (which is often what sex is diminished to when we’re still assuming cisgender heterosexual sex is the best and only valid sex). sexuality includes a biopsychosocialspiritual lens, using the Circles of Sexuality model (google). there’s an entire circle on Sexualization, which covers issues like flirting, seduction, sexual harassment, media, and sexual assault. in my workshops with sexuality professionals, i explain how the harm experienced by fatphobia and diet culture belong in this circle. the same way white supremacy affects the way folks of color experience their bodies, we need to understand these as things that impact sexuality . fatphobia involves a kind of inescapable surveillance that can affect the way we fear eating in public, dress for our shape, speak in ways that take up less space, or avoid PDA for the rest of our lives. it’s not like street harassment, aka fatcalling, where it ends when you go back indoors. fatphobia follows you anywhere there’s another fatphobic person nearby and it can also become internalized where we become our own fatphobic police . sexual harassment is defined as behavior characterized by the making of unwelcome and inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances in a workplace or other professional or social situation. the practice of sexual harassment can become sexual boundary violation. a child cannot consent to a diet the same way a child cannot consent to sex. the behavior of passing on fatphobia to another person is harmful, and as a sex therapist i identify the ways fatphobia impacts our ability to experience sexual liberation . folks struggling with internalized fatphobia may avoid emotional or physical intimacy altogether, convincing themselves they are undesirable or undeserving of pleasure (bc capitalism does not value the fat body as productive or desirable). they may only eat health foods as a way to deny pleasure. they may struggle with assertive communication and taking up space in convo and friendships. they may be unable to masturbate, orgasm with others, or enjoy PDAA post shared by Sonalee (@thefatsextherapist) onView this post on Instagram
Njeno gostovanje probudilo je mnogo pažnje na Tviteru, ali reakcije su uglavnom bile negativne.
- Isuse, ja sam nacista ako hoću da izađemo iz EU, nacista sam ako podržavam Palestinu, a sada i ovo. "Debela seks terapeutkinja" je uporedila fitnes trenere sa nacistima, decu koja su uobročena sa žrtvama seksualnog nasilja - napisao je Garet.
- Ovako zvuči smrt civilizacije: "Iskreno verujem da dete ne može da sa saglsasi sa dijetom, kao šot ne može da se saglasi sa tim da ima seks" - objasnio je Majkl.
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Telegraf.rs zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
Људи који уживају у животу, не могу имати раван стомак ...
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Zato ja imam 90 kila boli me oizda sta ko musli
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Ma nemojte biti mrsave , imajte kilazu jedite, samo nemojte biti masne
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