Influenseri uništili božanstveno jezero: Bilo je prava netaknuta priroda, ali su sve pokvarile fotke ne Instagramu (FOTO)
This hike was rough, but boy was it worth it👌🏻 . . . . #yellowstone #yellowstonenationalpark #tetoncounty #yellowstonecounty #hiking #hikingadventure #hikinggirl #hikingisfun #hikingislife #geyser #geysers #nationalpark #yellowstonecaldera #continentaldivide #westhumb #westthumbarea #grantvillage #yellowstonephotos #wyoming #wyomingphotography #yellowstonephotography #wyomingphotos #grandtetons #jacksonhole #jacksonholewyoming #cody #codywyoming #grandtetonnationalpark #grandtetons #hiking🌲#deltalakeA post shared by Martine & Mark (@martinemarit) onView this post on Instagram
Pre desetak dana turistička zajednica iz američkog Vajominga zamolila je turiste da prestanu da se taguju na Instagramu tokom obilaska jezera Delta.
Problem je nastao jer zbog brojnih objavljenih fotografija s tog predivnog jezera sve više i više turista dolazi i uništava do sad netaknutu prirodu.
”The best view comes after the hardest climb” y lo comprobé en este viaje.. 😫 quizás el más cansado que he realizado, incluso la altura me hizo efecto; Durante mi ascenso a Delta Lake vi a muchos senderistas regresarse y es que el camino “off trail” te invitaba a rendirte.. Sin embargo, la recompensa fue esta chulada de la naturaleza😍 • Y ustedes? cual ha sido el trekking con mayor grado de dificultad que han hecho?? • • Wyoming, USA📍 • • • #fernweh #wanderlust #12vp #aroundtheglobe #hikingmode #trota_mundosmx #trekking #backpacker #mexicanosporelmundo #postvagamun2 #milestogobeforeisleep #naturelovers #hikeitbaby #travelgram #mochileros #igersA post shared by Iv@novick™️ (@i.v.a.n.j.a.i.r) onView this post on Instagram
- Kad su influenseri počeli objavljivati fotke s jezera, nastala je prava pomama za ovim mestom - objasnio je član odbora turističke zajednice Brajan Modena.
Pre nekoliko godina samo jedna ili dve osobe tokom dana planinarile bi i šetale oko jezera, dok ih danas dnevno prođe i do 145, piše Njujork Tajms.
Welcome to my highlight reel!A post shared by Eric Beguiristain (@eric.beguiristain) onView this post on Instagram
Planinarske staze oko jezera su, zbog prolaska tolikog broja ljudi, počele propadati.
- Želimo da nas posećuju ljudi koji zaista vole prirodu, a ne oni koji su došli samo da bi objavili - poručio je Modena.
Shoulda seen the size of those Tetons #absolutelybreasttakingA post shared by вecca lacĸo (@rlacko) onView this post on Instagram
In the end... everything is a practice. Things can become habitual, for example I brush my teeth every night and every morning, but I still have to make a conscious choice to do it. I think making choices that become habits like that are just easier the more you do them, but again, that’s constant practice. . It helps me to view life like that. “It’s a practice.” Choosing to fill my mind with kind thoughts about myself all day long, it’s work and it’s a practice. Choosing to exercise my body for its overall health and my daily wellbeing is a practice. Setting down my phone, sitting with my children, fully present in the conversation about the game they made up at recess with their friends; it’s a practice. Some are effortless, some take effort, but all are conscious choices we make. . . What do you practice? Or want to practice more, to make into effortless choices (habits😉)? . . #thoughtsbywhitney #itsapracticeA post shared by Whitney Kathleen (@body_by_whitney) onView this post on Instagram
I have always been an extroverted, happy social person. I always had friends or even a friend I could call to hang at anytime I wanted. I never knew myself as anything different, I didn’t even know what extroverted was - I was always told I was “outgoing”. I didn’t mind being by myself at times, but usually preferred the company of others. . . In college I was always surrounded by people. Always made friends in every single class I took. One even became my best friend through my 2 years of married college years - we were even pregnant 2 weeks apart! Not even planned. . . I tell you this, because it’s important to know when I get to having my firstborn. When I graduated college, 14 weeks pregnant my friend moved away and I traveled somewhere every 2 weeks. To Washington, Michigan, California and Oregon - some of those places twice. Until I was about 28 weeks along. I still had no idea what it was like to be without friends or people. Because even when I was home, I drove around on the farm with Jaren, or rode in a tractor with him. . . First photo is for my feed 😉, but with a good girlfriend who agreed to get in a frigid sub zero glacier lake with me. The others are from my freshman and sophomore year in college (third and fourth photo is when I put on my freshman 20😎) . . Are you an extrovert? Introvert? Combo of both? When did you realize that about yourself? . . #storytimebywhitney #almostthrowbackthursday #jacksonhole #deltalakeA post shared by Whitney Kathleen (@body_by_whitney) onView this post on Instagram
Hey @kennachatty try keeping up with the group next time 👍🏼A post shared by McKenna (@kenna.gardner) onView this post on Instagram
VIDEO: Naučio ga da se ne selfira za sva vremena
Video: Policajac ga provalio za sekund: Bajker sakrio drogu na previše očigledno mesto zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
veoma slično, po meni lepše jezero je trnovačko, ispod maglića u cg (granica cg, bih i Srbije
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