Virginia looked beautiful and comfortable in this attire in front of so many speakers. The dress covers her modesties and is still professional. Just because it is modern (or short) doesn't mean it is bad. Her attire should not bring the meaning of her message down. As words are still words no matter the clothing. We respect Virginia for her beautiful self loving message as it is a part of who she is and the message she shares - to love ones self entirely no matter what haters may say.
To focus on her clothing proves that she is needed and her message was ignored.
Nekulturno, neprofesionalno i neprimereno situaciji.
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Sophie Mobius
Virginia looked beautiful and comfortable in this attire in front of so many speakers. The dress covers her modesties and is still professional. Just because it is modern (or short) doesn't mean it is bad. Her attire should not bring the meaning of her message down. As words are still words no matter the clothing. We respect Virginia for her beautiful self loving message as it is a part of who she is and the message she shares - to love ones self entirely no matter what haters may say. To focus on her clothing proves that she is needed and her message was ignored.
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Odličan markentiški potez. Sve čestitke. Školski odrađeno...
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V.G. Božiće
Kada dolazi u Srbiju?
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Vidi ti djetice cim su usli u NATO odmah se bacilli na krevet i sex,kao da nista nisu znali pa im treba neko predavanje i sad su kao pametniji.
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More neodolivo ima samo jednu misao, sex i nista vise, to je to, kakvo sunce kakvo kupanje. Sex na izvolte i to je kraj price.
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Bravo sve naj.. Ljepoto
A to je prava za nase muskarce ko biva ona pametna.
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cr 7
Uhh dobra !!!
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Pera Kojot # 1
Pa dobro da nije gola izasla!
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@Pera Kojot # 1
Ko je MOGAO taj je SLUSAO,ko NIJE samo je GLEDAO!
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