Tema: pregnant

Terrible accident near Krusevac: Bus skidded in the curve and it hit a car. Doctors are fighting for a life of a pregnant woman, the firefighters are trying to get the body of the driver (PHOTO)

How many children do we have to lose? "Silence is not the answer": Igor Juric started a campaign for the life sentence for monsters who rape and kill a child

He said only one word in the courtroom and they all went silent: The mother of murdered Kristina (18) face to face with the murderer who stabbed her child 88 times (VIDEO)

Milos is 30 years old: He is the first great Yugoslav MIRACLE and the first - BABY FROM A TUBE (PHOTO)

Maja is the mother of courage: She had a very difficult pregnancy, her incredible story has TWO happy endings (VIDEO)

Monster raped his underage daughter and she got pregnant! When he served the sentence, he returned to the village and repeated the sick crime, multiple times! (PHOTO)

Terrible photos and details of the car crash near Podgorica: Cars completely smashed, among the dead young married couple and their daughter (7)

SCANDAL IN BOSNIA: Federal Television broadcast a film with scenes of orgy involving pregnant woman

TERRIBLE CONFESSION OF A WOMAN FROM BELGRADE: Husband broke my leg while i breastfed the son, later he beat him up

SHE WAS PREGNANT, AND THEN SHE FOUND OUT ABOUT THE TERRIBLE TRUTH: Doctors pulled a 8 kg tumor out of her stomach and daughter Sofija!

Girl (13) was brought to hospital for stomachache. Few hours later the shock followed and ENTIRE REGION TALKS ABOUT IT!

SCANDALOUS PREGNANCY SHOCKED BANJALUKA: Schoolgirl (13) got pregnant with two years older teenager!

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