Tema: patient

Mutated flu is coming to Serbia: It is a combination of swine and regular flu, it is immune to all vaccines, watch yourselves

Cuban doctors are miracle workers in Belgrade: The prolong the life of cancer patients, they save the terminally ill people, they increase the percent of cured children (PHOTO)

Doctors filed a lawsuit against a mother who recorded them: She brought her child for examination and doctors refused to see her? (VIDEO)

Serbs in the top list in the size of the tumors: We carry up to 30 kilos of cancer in our stomachs (VIDEO)

Serious internet and games addicts ended up on psychiatry department in Tuzla: One patient was constantly on the internet for one year, he didn't leave the house

A dramatic discovery about cancer by one of the most famous doctors from Cuba: A great disaster is upon us! (PHOTO)

Little Vuk could wake up any minute from many years in coma: His mother revealed the latest details of the fight for boy's life

Sex games in Serbian hospital: Director found a nurse and a lover in action, he escaped to the basement, she took a sick leave

Shot Croatian doctor who believed that psychic patients could make it: His forgotten words are now gaining weight

Bravo for the best Serbian doctors: They took a lung through a 3 cm incision!

Milica is one out of 20 people in the world with "gold" blood group: She once helped FIFA president, and now she received a thank-you letter

Creepiest island in the Adriatic: The sick waited for death alone, their bones are everywhere, and ghosts are circling around and seek justice (VIDEO)