Tema: LOVE

Her heroines are strong and vulnerable women, men mysterious, and the end always disarms the readers: The author of the book "My man" reveals the secret of her stories (PHOTO)

My father was killed in war, I extremely hated Serbs and everything Serbian, and then I fell in love with you: Letter and a lesson of a Croat

She writes novels about true destinies of strong women who believe in love: Her books are bestsellers and they all have an important message (PHOTO)

The woman who created the "sexiest stud in the world" said that romance is still not dead, but she reveals what can kill it (PHOTO)

She writes romantic stories, spiced with vivid sex scenes: She wants women to fall in love with her characters, and she explains the definition of love (PHOTO)

Ona je seksi i dok stoji naglavačke, a tek kad skine kacigu... (VIDEO)

She creates unreal love stories: She is teaching women to be independent and to love for a lifetime, and she can't wait to meet the beauties of Serbia (PHOTO)

Handsome steward Matija loves flying, he wants to become a pilot and he likes going out: A girl is needed to set him straight (PHOTO)

Russian woman Elena reveals a secret why are her people in love with Serbia: Her fate was to come to Belgrade and to become bound with our country (PHOTO)

The woman who wrote the "Shopaholic" and charmed the Serbs, has a strong message for those who like shopping. She also revealed a great truth about love (PHOTO)

People of Zrenjanin wondered why is there a giant heart made of roses in the middle of the street, and then a man appeared and taught everybody a lesson (VIDEO)

The entire Serbia has been crying over the FB status of psychotherapist Vladimir: You have never read anything more humane, and there are no heavy words in it!

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