Tema: friends

The entire Serbia has been crying over the FB status of psychotherapist Vladimir: You have never read anything more humane, and there are no heavy words in it!

You need to learn to appreciate your country, because if you do not, who will? Brazilian Thiago fell in love with Serbia, and then decided to move here (PHOTO)

This is a real story from Srebrenica: Marinko and Adem, Serbian teacher and Muslim student, taught us what we didn't know about the war (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Monster Milan announced bloody crime: For years he threatened Olga that their children will remain orphans

Ilija had 150 kilos and he was sick of himself: He decided to lose 60 kilos, and now girls open their mouths when they see him (VIDEO)

Guys from Becej reached Mongolia like it was nothing with 28 year old "Yugo", and they had to stop the adventure on the way back (PHOTO)

Vesna will not share her 3 million, and lawyer got involved: Lotto Frenzy in Gornji Milanovac has not subsided

Ninoslav and Djordje started the adventure of a lifetime: 27 year old "Yugo" should run 20.000 kilometers (PHOTO)

Three war friends have met each other in Banja Luka: Easter meeting that Nenad, Predrag and Stanoje waited for 20 years

Unusual adventure of two men from Becej: Ninoslav and Djordje are going on a 20.000 kilometer trip to MONGOLIA in a "Yugo"! (PHOTO)

Vucic: India has always respected Serbia's territorial integrity, Gandhi is one of the most significant historical figures for us

Vasilije (17) united Serbs and Croats in Vukovar: His father has the most beautiful message for all of us (PHOTO)

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