Tema: Died

Terrible accident near Krusevac: Bus skidded in the curve and it hit a car. Doctors are fighting for a life of a pregnant woman, the firefighters are trying to get the body of the driver (PHOTO)

This is the driver of the bus of death: The Miracle Milan couldn't explain why the footage doesn't match with his statement

Famous Serbian actor passed away: Marko Nikolic described his fear of death in one of his last interviews

Five victims of the terrible accident in Nis, the doctors are fighting for the life of two children (VIDEO)

"I saw people crying, there was blood everywhere", the injured boy was in shock. The appeal of his father: It was the matter of days when a tragedy is going to happen (PHOTO)

A train hit a bus near Nis and cut it in half: At least three people died, blood all over the place (PHOTO FROM THE SCENE)

The family of the dead baby Danica crushed with pain: My little thing, our light, and joy. It would be her first birthday last week (PHOTO)

Two babies killed in Serbia in just 5 days, the monstrous acts continue: We can't forget about burning or drowning of newborns

Confession of Tamara who received a heart of a little girl who died from ecstasy: This wonderful heart is growing stronger in me. Know that I will take good care of it, little angel

Cry of little Nadja's mother was supported by thousands of people, but only one person joined her in protest - her friend

Region says goodbye from great Milena: The starts are dying, one by one...

There was haze and suddenly a wall, a dead woman in the next car: A terrible testimonies of eyewitnesses of a serious crash near Jagodina (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

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