Tema: Died

The saddest story about the youngest Serbian hero: Spomenko had a father, who gave up on him, and today, he is getting a pension in the name of his dead son (VIDEO)

A terrorist was preparing for slaughter with the song about Karadzic: One minute before massacring 49 people, he was listening to the Chetnik song (VIDEO)

A body of a soldier was found in the river: He left the camp during the night, he had a wife and two small children

A car swept a student from Novi Pazar off the crosswalk in Zemun, we screamed "don't die": Car threw him 3 meters in the air (DISTURBING VIDEO) (PHOTO)

Horror in Serbia: Staffordshire bit the mother of the owner till death, the other woman was seriously injured

Another terrible car crash claimed a life, the body of Nikolina (38) was barely found: Her father, famous sculptor, is silent with pain

Shocking confession of a father of the woman who died at the 8th month of pregnancy from flu: I wanted to give Tijana my lung,s and they told me she has passed away

Tijana (29) from Uzica died from flu in the eighth month of pregnancy: The baby died in the stomach first, and then the unfortunate girl

She was the only one who managed to make the King cry: Prijovic sang Saban's favorite song and his reaction is incredible (VIDEO)

"I will join you somewhere there, so we can grow old together..." Obituaries of Saban's children and his widow are tearing the heart apart! (PHOTO)

The old Yugoslavia united in mourning after the death of Saban Saulic

Famous Serbian singer Saban Saulic died in a terrible car crash: Drunk German hit him with 180 km/h, the car was crushed (PHOTO FROM THE SCENE)

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