Tema: Children

Brutal answer to our Gastarbeiter from Switzerland, whose child has 50 pairs of shoes: "Our youth is destroyed because of you"

Shocking letter of a mother from Knin: She is sick with cancer and she pleads for help, but not for herself, but for her children. "This might be the last thing I can do for them"

Students from Serbia as an example: They sacrificed their weekend to return one of the city picnic spots to its former glory

Jasmina got pregnant for the fifth time and she left Belgrade for good with her husband and children: Now they live in the village and they enjoy the life (PHOTO)

Only a bump, a flick and hit on the behind are allowed: The latest amendments to the Family Law forbids the parents to beat children

Boys in Serbia grow breasts, and girls enter premature puberty at the age of 6: This meat is one of the main causes!

Everybody attacked Tamara from moving away from Belgrade due to politics, money, and an apartment, and this is her response (PHOTO)

Mayor harrassed his secretary. New details from the confession of the victim: His thugs dictated me to write that it was a joke, they told me "my life is on the line"

Suicide game arrived near Serbia? Parents from Bosnia and Herzegovina fear for their children (PHOTO)

Who is Josip Rodjak, the monster who threw four children from a terrace? He was selling stolen cars, has a bad temper, and relatives kept away from him

Father threw four underage children out of the window, the youngest is 3, the oldest is 8: Horror in Croatia

Zeljko left his wife and four children over waitress Violeta, and then he shot twice in her head: Bloody crime in Vienna (PHOTO)

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