Tema: Belgrade

Last warning to Pristina! Trump sent two men to Haradinaj: Respect our demands or there will be new sanctions

Talks on an agreement between Pristina and Belgrade are not conducted in secret: Thaci's advisor spoke

Nikola (25) came to a life-changing and life-saving decision, he gave his friend Luka his kidney and part of the liver. The doctor said: One out of 10 dies, are you ready for this? (PHOTO)

Daddy, we will be good and you will be proud of us: Newspapers full of obituaries for Mirko Butulija (PHOTO)

The king of folk music stepped down, but the legend will live on: Commemoration for Saban Saulic was finished with the river of tears (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Shocking confession of a father of the woman who died at the 8th month of pregnancy from flu: I wanted to give Tijana my lung,s and they told me she has passed away

Two women wrestled in the taxi in the middle of Belgrade: Hair was flying around, fists and panties all over the place, but the reaction of men caused a real disgust (VIDEO)

Two great artists will rest next to each other: Saban Saulic will be buried next to Nebojsa Glogovac (PHOTO)

A man from Belgrade went to the police station to report a lost wallet full of money, and he had the most beautiful surprise waiting for him

Haradinaj "threatens" Federica Mogherini: You will lose the dialogue if you keep connecting it with taxes

Thaci: We have violated our relationship with the US due to small, harmful Serbia

Trump decided to break their spines: Washington introduces 4 new measures against Pristina

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