Bivši NBA as osvojio na lutriji 300 hiljada dolara, iako je zaboravio da kupi tiket
7. 16. 27. 44. 52. su brojevi za koje bivša NBA zvezda Gilbert Arenas tvrdi da su prošle nedelje u kalifornijskoj lutriji osvojili više od 300.000 dolara !!! Tačnje 309,694 dolara.
Međutim, najzanimljivije u celo priči je što te brojeve Arenas igra stalno, ali ovoga puta nije kupio tiket da popuni lutriju.
Neverovatna priča iz Kalifornije
Bivša NBA superzvezda tvrdi da je pogodio sve brojeve (ali je promašio Mega broj) da bi unovčio nagradu za 2. mesto na žrebu Mega miliond 12. maja.
Mega broj bio je 5. Arenas je odabrao 25 - i da je Gilbert tobože dobio, osvojio bi glavnu nagradu od 248 miliona dolara.
Najluđi deo cele priče, Arenas, koji je navodno zaradio više od 140 miliona dolara od NBA ugovora - kaže da nije ni kupio kartu sam.
Bivši igrač Golden Stejta, Vašingrona, Orlanda i Memfisa kaže da se zaustavio na benzinskoj pumpi, jer mu je bilo malo goriva dok je bio na putu do uobičajene benzinske pumpe gde kupuje lutrijske karte ... kada mu je prišao beskućnik.
Arenas kaže da je momak prvobitno tražio gotovinu, ali Arenas mu je rekao da je na putu da kupi lutrijske karte, a beskućnik se onda dogovorio sa Gilbertom.
- Ako pobediš časti me sa 20 dolara - rekao je beskućnik.
Kad je Gilbert stigao na svoju uobičajenu benzinsku stanicu, mesto je bilo zatvoreno i on je mislio da je propustio šansu da kupi kartu.
Ali, sledećeg jutra dobio je tekst od zaposlenog na benzinskoj pumpi koji kaže da je ionako uplatio sam od sebe Gilbertove uobičajene brojeve za njega (pod pretpostavkom da bi to Gilbert želeo) ... I osvojili su nagradu
Dakle, Gilbert kaže da je zaustavljen od beskućnika i nije stigao da kupi kartu, ali je zato nazvao čitavu stvar blagoslovom.
- Morao sam da ga nađem. Čekao sam ga na istom mestu da se pojavi gde smo se sreli. Grlio me je, plakao i počeo da se moli. Njegovo srce je donelo novac - zaključio je Arenas, ali nije želeo da otkrije iznos novca koji mu je dao.
This caption is not about good deed but about a struggling mans sacrifice and belief 🙏🏾 may 12th I rushed out the house to play my lotto numbers😬forgot my money and the car was on E🤷🏾♂️ I had a whole $10 in the car😂😂😂 I pulled up to the gas station to get $10 worth so I can head to (my hook up gas station) and then a struggling man says (hey sir can u spare me some change) my first thought was 🗣PHUCK I don't have time for this shit today😩 so I said mannn I have $10 for some gas and that's it,I have 8 mins to get to the other gas station to play my numbers before it's to late🤯 he says u can play here...I said the other gas station lets me push the buttons myself🤪 he then says how far u going! My brain is saying (the fuck u asking all the questions for ) so I was only going to CALABASAS which was 7 mins away but lied and said Thousand Oaks which was at least 16 mins away so before he did the math on everything I said " 8 mins before the cut off but it's 16 mins away" I said listen I'll just use $5 dollars for gas and u can have the other $5 😇 he then says (from here to Thousand Oaks and back) u won't make it on $5 so KEEP the $10 and after u WIN hook me up with $20! I said are u sure he said yes 💯 I know ur gonna win💯 by the time I got to the my hookup gas station they were closed I guess they closed early for repair so I didn't get to play my numbers😡😡😡 I wake up to a text Wednesday morning saying congratulations U won 300k 😱 I've heard this scammer type shit happening so I ignored the next becuz I didn't get to play my numbers so I couldn't have won shit....I went to the gas station later that day to play powerball that was later that night and the owner runs out saying YOU WON i texted u 👀 I said huh I didn't play yesterday..he said I played ur numbers for u becuz I was closing early and u WON 😱🤯 long story short.....I pulled up on my guy yesterday and gave him his cut (for his safety) won't say the number 🤐he jumped up and hugged me for 5 mins crying and then started to pray💯 I've given back to the homeless BUT never was blessed by one 🙏🏾😇 his good hearted gesture of me making it back home blessed that ticket💯 #happysundayA post shared by Gilbert Arenas (@no.chill.gil) onView this post on Instagram
Video: Čuda jesu moguća: Jedan par dobio je na lutriji, a onda je stigla još veća vest
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