Ovako su opjevali Novaka u Ohaju gdjeima najveci broj navijaca. Prenosim himnu
Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu
Down in Serbia, there's a man who roams,
With a racket in his hand, he travels far from home,
He's got a fire inside him that burns so bright,
And with every swing, he's reaching new heights.
Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu,
A force to be reckoned with, that much is true,
He's got the heart of a lion and the spirit of a king,
Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu,
Let your anthem ring.
Da sam na tvom mestu ostatak zivota bi putovao po svetu sa familijom..rekorde si ionako ispisao i tesko da ce ih neko oboriti
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Ovako su opjevali Novaka u Ohaju gdjeima najveci broj navijaca. Prenosim himnu Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu Down in Serbia, there's a man who roams, With a racket in his hand, he travels far from home, He's got a fire inside him that burns so bright, And with every swing, he's reaching new heights. Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu, A force to be reckoned with, that much is true, He's got the heart of a lion and the spirit of a king, Suri Orle Novak Djokovicu, Let your anthem ring.
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Mislim da si zavrsio sa trofejima,koliko god i ti i mi zeleli,malo igras turnira,slabo treniras,ovde ako doguras do cetvrtfinala super...
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