Bitka je gotova, prijatelju: NBA se oprostio od legende koja nije mogla protiv Parkinsonove bolesti
NBA svet se oprostio od trenerske legende i nekadašnjeg šefa struke Juta Džeza - Džerija Slouna.
Sloun je u petak preminuo u 78. godini od posledica Parkinsonove bolesti i demencije, ali trag koji je ostavio za sobom tokom 23 godine na klupi Jute i neki od rezultata koje je postigao ostaju za sva vremena.
Zbog toga je čitav NBA ostao u žalosti zbog gubitka velikog stručnjaka.
Poznati novinar Kenis "Džet" Smit je opisao značaj Džerija Slouna u životu i karijerama Džona Stoktona i Karla Meluna.
- Počivaj u miru Džeri, jedan od najvećih! Nijedan igrač nije doživeo velike visine bez sjajnog trenera. Džon Stokton je bio projektovan kao solidna podrška, a Karl Meloun kao dobar krilni centar pre nego su sreli Slouna i postali jedni od najboljih u istoriji - napisao je Smit.
RIP #JerrySloan .. one of the greats! No player achieves greatness without great coaching. john Stockton projected as a good little backup and Karl Malone as a quality power forward before meeting Sloan and became Alltime greats! RIP— Kenny Smith (@TheJetOnTNT) May 22, 2020
Mark Iton, nekadašnji igrač Jute iz osamdesetih godina se kratko obratio svom prijatelju rečima "bitka je gotova".
#RIP my friend. The battle is over. #JerrySloan @UtahJazz #JazzNation @NBA @Hoophall pic.twitter.com/vbesvJK4Uc— Mark Eaton (@markeaton7ft4) May 22, 2020
Ajzea Tomas se seća anegdote kada je bio klinac i nosio je osam pari čarapa da bi normalno stao u patike koje je dobio od Slouna.
Isiah Thomas tells a story about meeting Jerry Sloan when he was a kid❤️ pic.twitter.com/6ug2VTx0Md— Adam (@prodigyJF) May 19, 2020
Deron Vilijams, nekada jedan od najboljih plejmejkera u NBA kaže da je štošta naučio od trenera za pet i po godina u Juti, mada se stvari sa klubom nisu završile najbolje.
Deron Williams reacts to the death of Jerry Sloan. pic.twitter.com/VO9aV0YONA— Austin Burklund (@AB1132) May 22, 2020
Novinar Mark Spirs je podelio svoje iskustvo o Slounu koji se nije libio da pre utakmica ćaska sa novinarima u medija centru.
Jerry Sloan was amazing to be around. He would come eat in the media room before every game and chat with the scribes he was comfortable with. Imagine talking to a NBA coach pre-game now and getting some insight, life talk and great jokes.— Marc J. Spears (@MarcJSpearsESPN) May 18, 2020
Bil Rasel, čovek koga često previđaju u priči o najboljem svih vremena je takođe odao poštu nekadašnjem treneru Jute.
Our condolences to Jerry Sloan’s family & friends. #RIP Coach Sloan @chicagobulls @utahjazz @NBA— TheBillRussell (@RealBillRussell) May 22, 2020
- Naše saučešće porodici i prijateljima Džerija Slouna. Počivaj u miru, treneru - napisao je Rasel.
Čikago Bulsi su se od svog nekadašnjeg igrača i čoveka čiji su dres prvi podigli pod svodove svoje dvorane oprostili kratko "Originalni Bik".
“The Original Bull.”Rest in peace, Jerry Sloan ❤️— Chicago Bulls (@chicagobulls) May 22, 2020
Od Slouna su se na sličan način oprostile i brojne druge ekipe u NBA, ali i igrači, treneri i novinari.
Pat Riley statement on the passing of Jerry Sloan“It was a privilege to play against a Jerry Sloan coached team, I always knew that we would be severely tested. His overall philosophy on both sides of the ball was fundamentally solid and always one step ahead of the game." pic.twitter.com/Xv42JvBmO4— Miami HEAT (@MiamiHEAT) May 22, 2020
Our thoughts are with the Sloan family and Jazz organization following the news of the passing of Jerry Sloan 💜 pic.twitter.com/RdhtdwDDMv— Toronto Raptors (@Raptors) May 22, 2020
Sorry to hear about the passing of Jerry Sloan. Rest In Peace— Vernon Maxwell (@VernonMaxwell11) May 22, 2020
Wonderful four-minute film on Jerry Sloan … as consistent in his approach, first as a rugged player and then as a legendary coach, as the NBA has ever seen https://t.co/q9btJK1lCp— Marc Stein (@TheSteinLine) May 22, 2020
We join the entire NBA in mourning the passing of Jerry Sloan.We're honored that he started his Hall of Fame career as a player and coach with the Baltimore Bullets in 1965. Our condolences to his family and friends during this time. pic.twitter.com/0bYCEfJwtJ— Washington Wizards (@WashWizards) May 22, 2020
Prayers are with Jerry Sloan’s family today. The game lost a legend 🙏🏾— Chris Paul (@CP3) May 22, 2020
The NBA Family lost an All-Time Great today. RIP to the Great Jerry Sloan. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😢— Kendrick Perkins (@KendrickPerkins) May 22, 2020
RIP Jerry Sloan— Isaiah Thomas (@isaiahthomas) May 22, 2020
RIP to the great Jerry Sloan..— 🏁 Jamal Crawford (@JCrossover) May 22, 2020
I learned so much about basketball sitting at the bar with Jerry Sloan and his longtime assistant Phil Johnson. They were beyond patient with a young, dumb reporter. And Jerry never made excuses if his team lost-which wasn’t that often. RIP to a great, great coach. https://t.co/PaQLnMLn1j— David Aldridge (@davidaldridgedc) May 22, 2020
I loved everything about Jerry Sloan, from the way he played to the way he coached. He was a tenacious competitor who represented the Bulls of the 70s so well. Jerry became one of my favorite coaches when he was on the 1996 Dream Team staff and it was an honor to learn from him. pic.twitter.com/pEhbmiFbzp— Scottie Pippen (@ScottiePippen) May 22, 2020
We are incredibly saddened to learn of the passing of NBA coaching legend Jerry Sloan. We send our deepest condolences to Sloan family and our friends at the @utahjazz during this difficult time.>> https://t.co/hmxRE1uhBZ pic.twitter.com/HOD49dJrTf— Indiana Pacers (@Pacers) May 22, 2020
RIP Jerry Sloan one of the absolute best to ever do it!!! Love and Respect for you, the family and the @utahjazz organization Coach🙏🏽#Respect #Tuff2020 😢😢— Douglas Christie (@TheDougChristie) May 22, 2020
The Clippers organization joins the NBA family in mourning the loss of Jerry Sloan. pic.twitter.com/vEAoVndKSX— LA Clippers (@LAClippers) May 22, 2020
A look at the life of a legend.“Coach Sloan is what the NBA should be about."» https://t.co/N9dl0GIY8N— utahjazz (@utahjazz) May 22, 2020
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