MMA zemljotres: Tetovirano čudovište od 150 kg ulazi u ring protiv iranskog Hulka od 170! (FOTO)
Profesionalni bodibilder i glumac, Martin Ford, rešio je da se oproba u MMA. Poljska organizacija KSW mu je ispunila želju i na startu profesionalne karijere za protivnika mu je postavila strašnog Iranca Sejadua Garbiju.
33-godišnji Ford se maksimalno trudi da opravda svoj zastrašujući izgled. Naporno trenira, usavršava svoje razorne udarce kako bi opravdao nadimak "Noćna mora".
Ford je visok 204, ima oko 150 kilograma i izgleda zastrašujuće, ali to nije ništa, njegov rival Garibi, koji se u mladosti bavio rvanjem, ima čak 170 kilograma! I njemu će ovo biti debitantski nastup u oktagonu.
Borba će se održati početkom naredne godine, uskoro se očekuje zvanični dogovor obe strane.
ARMS DAY - MASS GAIN PLAN. ARMS - Muscle Gain / Part 1 Although arms are used in all upper body movements, and will receive a certain amount of stimulation from just pulling and pressing, this is not enough if you really want to create impressive arms. Biceps and Triceps Standing Barbell Curl 15,12,10,8,8* Seated Decline (45degree) DB Curls 12,10,8 Preacher Bench Curls 15,12,10,8,8+ Lying Skull Crushers 15,12,10,8,8* Upright Overhead Tricep Extension 15,12,10* V bar pushdowns 15,12,10,10+ Close Grip Bench Press 12,10,8,8* *Forced Reps +Drop Sets Tempo speed 2:1:2 Rest 60-90 seconds between sets #preworkout #recoverysupplements #postworkout #bcca #nitricoxide #creatine #protein #aminoacids #supplements #bodybuilding #bodybuildinglife #bodybuilder #bodybuildinglifestyle #maximizemuscle #hardcorebodybuilding #strengthathlete #bulkingseason #powerlifter #trainhardA post shared by Martyn Ford (@martynfordofficial) onView this post on Instagram
It’s not always pretty, it’s not always warm, the days in the trenches are where you learn the most. Isolate yourself, be your own inspiration and use all the negativity as a positive to push through. In a world full of hate and envy it’s only a few good ones that really understand what it takes to step above and beyond. Trust your vision and follow your heart. Then sit back and smile when you reach your goals @ignite.nutrition @rdx_sports #martynford #ignitenutritionA post shared by Martyn Ford (@martynfordofficial) onView this post on Instagram
همین طور که قولش داده بودم به حجم مورد نظر رسیدم اما جنگ تمام نشده این تابستون تازه شروع کار حجم کافیه یا پیش به سوی هیولا؟ new hairstyle New massA post shared by iranian hulk official 🇮🇷 (@sajadgharibiofficial) onView this post on Instagram
با حجم 178 کیلو گرم حجم زمین میخوریم اما شکست هرگز یاحقA post shared by iranian hulk official 🇮🇷 (@sajadgharibiofficial) onView this post on Instagram
Video: Kodi Miler-Mekintajer se izvinio navijačima Zvezde koji su došli u Minhen: "Nije problem kad izgubiš zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
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