Rezultati pretrage


Pristina says Constitution referendum can't be held in Kosovo: "Kurti violates human rights"

"By deciding to ban the referendum, Albin Kurti is trying to deepen the crisis, although UN Resolution 1244 guarantees the right to vote, which is also in the mandate of the OSCE mission in Kosovo and Metohija. That is why we addressed Brussels and the Quint countries, which are seriously considering this issue," said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic


Brnabić o referendumu: "Samo i isključivo po pitanju pravosuđa, a ne o preambuli Ustava Srbije"

Želim da građani Srbije znaju - referendum je samo i isključivo o pitanju pravosuđa. Kada čujete neke političare koji pričaju o preambuli koja se tiče Kosova i Metohije, znajte da je to notorna laž - naglasila je premijerka Srbije


Kancelarija za KiM negira da je Gervali zabranjena poseta jugu centralne Srbije

Tražili smo dozvolu. Poseta nije dozvoljena zbog nefer igara Beograda - navodi se u saopštenju Ministarstva spoljnih poslova privremenih institucija u Prištini, dok Kancelarija za KiM tvrdi: "Imamo mejl kojim prištinski oficir za vezu danas zahvaljuje oficiru za vezu Beograda povodom odobravanja posete"


Petkovic once again banned from visiting Kosovo and Metohija: Sixth ban against him this year

At the same time, Belgrade today approved a visit to Bujanovac by a minister from Albin Kurti's government, which shows Serbia's commitment to respecting the Brussels agreement


Bajden izvestio Kongres: "U NATO snagama na KiM 561 američki vojnik"

SAD nastavljaju da doprinose NATO snagama na Kosovu (KFOR) u saradnji sa lokalnim vlastima, bilateralnim partnerima i međunarodnim institucijama, kako bi sprečile ponovno izbijanje neprijateljstava na Kosovu - napisao je predsednik SAD Džozef Bajden

Brnabic meets with head of Pontifical Academy for Life: "No open issues between Serbia and Holy See"

Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia pointed out that Serbia is the pillar of the Western Balkans, that the pope supports all of Serbia's efforts, and that dialogue, cooperation and strengthening of ties in the region is the only path to peace and stability


Egypt consistent in frozen Kosovo recognition: Won't support Pristina in international organizations

For us, the most important thing is another confirmation, and coming directly from President Sisi, that Egypt remains of the opinion that their stance towards Kosovo and Metohija is in the status of a frozen recognition - President of the National Assembly of Serbia Ivica Dacic said after talks with the president and prime minister of Egypt


Povratak snajperista ISIS-a na KiM: Odsluženje zatvorske kazne u Prištini ne znači i deradikalizacija osuđenog

Sudeći po dosadašnjim slučajevima, za odlazak na strana ratišta i krivično delo terorizma, na Kosovu i Metohiji su kazne relativno niske - naglašava za prof. dr Marija Đorić, autorka pet knjiga o ekstremizmu, stručnjak za bezbednost i antiterorizam


Kosovo and Metohija Office reveals who the Serb arrested by Kosovo police for alleged war crime is

This is obviously a new instance of pressure on Serb returnees, who are being arrested based on secret indictments for alleged war crimes, with the sole aim of deterring them from returning and claiming their property in Kosovo and Metohija, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija stressed in a statement


Kurti u Briselu sa fusnotom, nema obeležja tzv. Kosova

Sam Kurti je, kako napominje Kljan Kosova, u više navrata izneo kritike zbog stavljanja fusnote uz ime tzv. Kosova na raznim događajima


Zastave Albanije i UČK postavljene u severnom delu Kosovske Mitrovice, kancelarija za KiM: Opasna provokacija

- Jasno je da Kurtija očigledno ne zanima dijalog i normalizacija odnosa, ali ga zanima novo rasplamsavanje tenzija - navodi se u saopštenju Kancelarije za Kosovo i Metohiju


Drecun on KSF: "Continuation of activities of terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army under another name"

Bashkim Jashari belongs to an organized criminal clan. His uncle Adem Jashari was killed in clashes with our security forces, and Bashkim was one of the zone commanders in the so-called Kosovo Protection Corps since 2003, when he was suspected of criminal activities - said Drecun


"Unlike Pristina which exports policy of terror to region, Belgrade shows solidarity with neighbors"

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic believes that only in a parallel reality in which Albin Kurti lives is it possible to accuse Belgrade of exporting instability to the region, "because he is the one who violates the hard-won peace in Kosovo and Metohija with his unilateral, violent actions and inflammatory statements"


Prevare sa poljoprivrednim subvencijama na KiM, 31 osoba uhapšena

Akcija policije izvedena je u opštinama Peć, Istok, Uroševac, Lipljan, Priština, Klokot, Vučitrn i Podujevo


Putnik autobusa uhvaćen sa više od pola kilograma kokaina: Spakovao drogu u 20 paketa

Slučaj je predat policiji radi dalje istrage


Petkovic again banned from visiting Kosovo and Metohija: Pristina didn't let him deliver aid

This is the fifth ban since the beginning of the year that Pristina has imposed on Petkovic, who is also the main negotiator with Pristina


National Assembly President Ivica Dacic calls referendum on changing Serbia's Constitution

The referendum will be held on January 16


Od 3. januara na Kosovo i Metohiju samo uz dokaz o potpunoj vakcinaciji: Nove mere zbog omikrona

Čak i oni koji imaju dokaze da su preležali korona virus moraju da budu vakcinisani barem jednom dozom da bi putovali gradskim autobusom


Predsednik Skupštine Ivica Dačić raspisao referendum o promeni Ustava Srbije

Referendum će biti održan 16. januara


Skupština danas odlučuje o Aktu o promeni Ustava, po hitnom postupku. Koje promene ovaj akt donosi?

Ključne novine su u promeni uloge Narodne skupštine u postupku izbora nosilaca pravosudnih funkcija. Skupština će birati Vrhovnog javnog tužioca, po četiri člana Visokog saveta sudstva i Visokog saveta tužilaštva, čime je izuzeta iz dosadašnjeg postupka izbora sudija i zamenika javnih tužilaca, predsednika Vrhovnog i ostalih sudova u državi

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