Rezultati pretrage


Preminuo bivši specijalni izaslanik UN za Kosovo Eduard Kukan

Kukan je 1999. godine imenovan za specijalnog izaslanika Ujedinjenih nacija za Kosovo i Metohiju


Kosovo Albanians massively applying for visas for Germany

In December 2021 alone, 56,639 requests were submitted, while in January 2022 there were 48,962 requests


Kosovski Albanci masovno traže vize za Nemačku

Samo u decembru 2021. godine podneto je 56.639 zahteva, a u januaru 2022, 48.962 zahteva


Stoltenberg: We respect Serbia's decision not to join NATO

Stoltenberg said that NATO never forced any country to join NATO


Rakić sa Ardukom o povratku raseljenih na KiM: Bezbednosna situacija i dalje veliki problem

Minsitar za zajednice i povratak Goran Rakić govorio je sudbinama Dragice Gašić i Marije Novaković kao najbolji primeri svega onoga sa čime se ministarstvo suočava svih ovih godina kada neko iskaže iskrenu volju za povratkom


Drecun: Ako Priština ne dozvoli glasanje na KiM u aprilu, teško će biti dijaloga

Predsednik skupštinskog Odbora za KiM smatra da su posete Miroslava Lajčaka i Gabrijela Eskobara Prištini samo još više unela nejasnoća kada je reč o formiranju Zajednice srpskih opština

Vulin and Stefanovic talk security on administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija and in Ground Safety Zone

After the meeting, Minister Vulin said that Serbian security forces would do everything to preserve peace and stability in the Ground Safety Zone and that he expected KFOR to finally carry out its task and take responsibility for the security situation on the administrative line


Od početka godine opljačkane tri pravoslavne crkve na KiM

Proteklog vikenda obijena je i poharana Crkva Svetog Jovana u Donjim Varagama, a prethodnih dana na meti razbojnika našle su se Crkva Svetih oca u selu Zupče i Crkva Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg u mestu Jagnjenica, saopštila je danas Kancelarija za Kosovo i Metohiju.


Lajcak on holding of upcoming Serbian elections in Kosovo and Metohija: "Citizens have the right to vote"

This is not a topic in the dialogue and there is no agreement in the dialogue governing organization of elections, but there is no doubt that every decision made about elections will affect the dialogue - EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak said in Pristina


Petkovic meets with Italian ambassador: Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija should be able to vote on April 3

Petkovic informed his interlocutor about the latest events in Kosovo, with special emphasis on the recent situation when Serbs in Kosovo were prevented from voting in the referendum on changing the Serbian Constitution, which he said was the most flagrant violation of human and civil rights of the Serb people

Dodik: Why would any reasonable personal recognize independence of Kosovo and but not of Serb Republic?

Commenting on EU Special Envoy Miroslav Lajcak's statement that "no reasonable person wants a Serb Republic in Kosovo," Serb member of the Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) Presidency Milorad Dodik asked why double standards are being persistently applied to places only a few hundred kilometers away from each other


General Svetozar Marjanovic passes away: He put his signature on a document ending 1999 NATO aggression

The document, signed on June 9, 1999, included, provisioned for, among other things, the withdrawal of the army and the police from Kosovo, while a day later the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1244


Mali Radoš (1) je prvo srpsko dete rođeno posle 1999. godine u Đurakovcu: Dobio traktor za poklon

Pre 1999. godine u ovom mestu oko 70 odsto stanovništva činila je srpska zajednica


Mitic: Model for Community of Serb Municipalities based on Eastern Belgium is not acceptable for Serbia

Any other model is unacceptable for Belgrade, except the one agreed upon in the Brussels Agreement - Aleksandar Mitic, a research associate at the Institute for International Politics and Economy, is clear


Prištinski mediji: Između teritorija Albanije i KiM formira se teritorijalno-administrativna celina

Prema Sporazumu vlada Albanije i tzv. Kosova o pravilima režima lokalnog pograničnog saobraćaja, potpisan 26. novembra, koji je upućen je skupštini Albanije na ratifikaciju, granična zona slobodnog kretanja stanovnika sa dozvolom za lokalni pogranični saobraćaj je do 30 km unutar teritorija potpisnica


300 kilos of drugs were supposed to end up in Turkey, one costs up to €8,000: This was Albanian mafia's plan

Vulin stressed that criminals "have no nationality" and that he is not interested in whether someone is Albanian or Serb


President Vucic meets with Russian Ambassador Kharchenko to discuss current regional, global topics

Ambassador Botsan Kharchenko informed President Vucic about the talks that the Russian Federation is having with the US and NATO. President Vucic pointed out to the issues related to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija - the Office of the President of the Republic said in a statement


Da li je Veliki Trnovac narko prestonica Srbije? U procepu etničke podele, dve kulture i dve strane zakona

Priča o narko biznisu u Velikom Trnovcu stara je decenijama


Serbian Army at Base Jug: Intensive training to secure administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija

This is about preparing and training members of the Serbian Army for engagement in the Ground Safety Zone, primarily in preventing illegal crossings, activities of extremist groups and organized crime


Pristina launches investigation against 15 Serb List officials

The investigation is being conducted against, among others, President of the Serb List Goran Rakic, the deputy president of the Assembly from the Serb List, Slavko Simic, the head of the parliamentary group of the Serb List in the Assembly, Igor Simic, and MPs Zoran Mojsilovic and Verica Ceranic

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