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Aleksandar Jakšić pružio podršku predsedniku Vučiću: "Predaja Srbije i povlačenje predsednika nije opcija"

Naglašava da potpuno svesni značaja i istorijskog momenta u kome se nalazi naša država, omladina Gradskog odbora SNS Beograd pruža bezrezervnu podršku predsedniku Republike Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću


Incident na Jarinju: Kosovska policija zabranila bračnom paru sa unucima da se vrati na KiM

Oni su sa decom čekali u koloni duže od sat i po vremena i kada su došli na red za kontrolu na prelazu, rečeno im je da ne mogu da prođu


Predsedniku Srbije upućen poziv da prisustvuje na sednici Vlade: Glavna tema KiM

Očekuje se da će se Vučić nakon toga obratiti građanima Srbije


Vucic meets with UK envoy Peach: He informed him about current situation in Serbia and region

I informed Lord Peach about Serbia's position regarding the current situation in the region, and in Kosovo and Metohija


Vucic: I don't accept independence of Kosovo! I don't want to return any child to their mother in a coffin

During this media appearance, President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, addressed the citizens of Serbia and the region regarding very important topics that occupy the attention of the whole public


Vučević: Specijalne jedinice biće elita, udarna pesnica otadžbine, Vojnotehnički institut razvija dron Pegaz

Prvi čovek vojske je istakao i da naša vojska nije poražena na KiM 1999. godine


Grenel: Međusobno priznanje ne stavlja hranu na sto, potreban je ekonomski razvoj

Prema njegovim rečima, nisu potpisani novi sporazumi pod Bajdenom, govorimo o već potpisanim ugovorima koji su postali relevantni zbog situacije

Vucic: Serbia will not give up on demand for real criminals be brought to justice

For five years now there has been neither truth nor justice in the case of this heinous and inhuman act


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: "Kurti is the greatest enemy of freedom and human rights in the region"

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic assessed over the weekend that the statement of the prime minister of Kosovo is another desperate political message by which he is trying to present himself as a victim


Vučić se sastao sa ruskim ambasadorom Bocan-Harčenkom

Predstavnici Srbije i Rusije razgovarali o aktuelnim događajima na Kosovu i Metohiji


Two young Serb men arrested in Kosovo and Metohija, police searched their homes: "More pressure on Serbs"

They have been detained for 48 hours and the Serbian Government's Office for Kosovo and Metohija will provide all the necessary legal aid and a lawyer to them


Dacic: Relations between Serbia and US on the rise, but we won't change our key positions on Kosovo and Russia

Ivica Dacic, speaking about so-called Kosovo joining international organizations, said that he thinks Pristina fundamentally does not meet the conditions to enter the Council of Europe (CoE), but has the majority of votes to do so


Serb List: Two faces of Nenad Rasic in the case of attempted murder of Serb youths in Strpce

They also state that last night Rasic - a Serb in Kurti's institutions - told an Albanian outlet that he had been misunderstood, that he did not say that it was an attempted murder


Lajcak: I spoke with Escobar and Geoana about the dialogue, north Kosovo...

The three officials also discussed future steps


Laknulo im jeste, ali da je trebalo i Božić bi čekali na barikadama: Želja da ostanu u domovini jača od svega

Meštani Severne Mitrovice poručuju da se nadaju samo miru i da se za njega mole


Brnabic after Serb youths got shot in Kosovo: We will ask for additional guarantees for Serbs

"We will ask for additional guarantees for Serbs because these are not the conditions in which anyone in Europe should live in the 21st century"


Ambassador Djuric: International community must punish Albin Kurti's government

Marko Djuric sums up the events in Kosovo and Metohija during Orthodox Christmas


Novak is great: Djokovic stands with the wounded Serb youths in Kosovo, this is his message

Novak shared a picture of Nemanja Nedovic on Instagram


Ranjeni srpski dečaci u stabilnom stanju, uhapšeni osumnjičeni je pripadnik KSB

Deca su prebačena u Gračanicu


KFOR poslao odgovor na zahtev Beograda da se srpske snage vrate na Kosovo

Ministarstvo odbrane je navedeni dokument dostavilo Kabinetu predsednika Republike i vrhovnog komandanta Vojske Srbije Aleksandra Vučića

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