Rezultati pretrage


Najnovije informacije o povređenima u eksploziji u fabrici u Kruševcu: Ostaju na bolničkom lečenju

Danas će im se raditi dodatne procedure i snimanja


Mnogo osmeha i zabave u snegu: Ovo su deca sa KiM koja borave na Tari zahvaljujući opštini Obrenovac

Predstavnici Gradske opštine Obrenovac obišli su decu na Mitrovcu


Lajcak: "I expect dynamic week in Davos, positive developments in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue"

The special envoy stated that in the first working week of 2024 he visited France, where, among others, he met with the special adviser of the French President Emmanuel Macron

Vulin comments on the US giving Javelin anti-tank systems to Pristina: Everyone's showing their true colors

Vulin said that the Javelins will not help much either, if KFOR soldiers, and Resolution 1244 could not


Petkovic: Only Kurti violates agreements, he can't utter a single sentence without attacking Belgrade

Petkovic points out that Kurti is the main source of instability, tensions and crises both in Kosovo and Metohija and beyond


First life sentence in Kosovo: Man killed his brother, then burned and threw away the corpse

The verdict specifies that in his statement given to the police, the accused did not deny the commission of the crime, on the contrary, he described in detail how he killed B.K., then burned the corpse and threw it away to conceal the murder


Serbian president meets with US ambassador: Open discussion about further improvement of Serbian-US relations

As the president wrote, they discussed Serbia's international position, the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the continuation of the dialogue with Pristina, as well as current geopolitical events


Vucevic responds to David Cameron: We are nobody's puppet on a string, we are a free country

Cameron repeated the agenda from the 90s. It is up to us to understand the circumstances and geopolitics well and do everything we can to preserve peace


Vučević o formiranju nove Vlade: Nećemo odustati od inicijative za uvođenje obaveznog vojnog roka

Ministar odbrane je rekao da je važno naglasiti da to nije poziv za rat

Info Biz

PIO fond raspisao oglas za prijem zahteva za rehabilitaciju: Ko ima pravo da se prijavi?

Poziv je otvoren do 25. januara


Patrijarh Porfirije o tome šta ga onespokojava: "Crkva je istorijski branič KiM, brine me srpska nesloga"

Vrhovni poglavar SPC ističe da "pojedini predstavnici zapadnih država prenebregavaju mirotvoračku ulogu Crkve"


Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Porfirije starts visit to Kosovo and Metohija; Pristina bans journalist

Patriarch Porfirije was last in the Patriarchate of Pec on the feast of Vidovdan in 2023, where he led liturgy services


First car without sticker, with "RKS" markings, passes through administrative crossing Jarinje on Jan. 1

The car crossed Jarinje a little after 8 o'clock

Postavljeni disklejmeri o ukidanju stikera na administrativnim prelazima

Direktor Kancelarije za KiM Petra Petković je ranije objasnio da je ta odluka doneta kako bi se "omogućila sloboda kretanja za sva vozila"

Svi za Kosmet: Akcija prikupljanja paketića za decu na KiM traje do 15.januara

Računi preko kojih se mogu donirati sredstva mogu se naći na sajtu Zemunskih vesti


Dačić: Za ponavljanje izbora neophodni konkretni dokazi o nepravilnostima

Govoreći o ponašanju državnih organa, pre svega policije, naspram protesta, Dačić je ocenio da je intencija da se bude suzdržan u smislu reakcije i da se interveniše samo ako bude nasilja.


Petkovic: Kurti is once again causing a crisis in Kosovo and Metohija by seizing Serb-owned land

He stressed that he informed all international officials about the new and illegal escalatory decision made by Albin Kurti


Dacic: Regardless of protests Serbia's position on state issues will be firm

Dacic assessed that Pristina's refusal to implement what was signed ten years ago (Brussels Agreement) calls into question the credibility of the European Union as an institution that should mediate in the dialogue


So-called Kosovo police are again searching building near Leposavic

A warehouse inside a commercial building was searched


Ovo je prelepa supruga biznismena koja je izgubila život zajedno s njim na planini na Kosovu

Prema prvim saznanjima uzrok smrti je strujni udar

Da li želite da dobijate obaveštenja o najnovijim vestima?

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