Cultural treasure discovered in Temska village near Pirot: There are more than 40 votive crosses there

Borko Stefanovic: Opposition coalition "Ujedinjeni" will not support report on Kosovo and Metohija

Police issue statement after arrest of stuntman suspected of raping and sexually abusing 10 girls

Views from Biljeska Stena remain with visitors forever: Observation deck in our most beautiful national park

What is in the report on the negotiation process with Pristina that Vucic is presenting to deputies?

7 people die from Covid, more than 3,000 new cases, 21 patients on ventilators

Famed Serbian composer Kornelije Kovac passes away

Serbian President Vucic receives invitation to attend funeral of Queen Elizabeth

The EU is less popular than ever in Serbia, but we will not give up on the EU path

Real estate in this part of Belgrade is once again most expensive: 1 square meter costs close to 10,000 euros

Vucic posts from Slovenia: Everything's great, I guess I'll be back soon

38-year-old motorcyclist killed near Gornji Milanovac: On Sunday, 7 people died in traffic accidents in Serbia

Kapetan Misin Breg offers most beautiful view of the Danube: An ideal weekend destination

Petkovic: The more talk about Kosovo and Metohija in the context of war in Ukraine, the worse for us

Minister Mali on UAE loan: "Such interest rate is unimaginable anywhere in the world. We'll repay old loans"

Vucic in Abu Dhabi: "Mali signed an important agreement. Whenever it's hard, we can count on the Emirates"

Latest Covid numbers: In 24 hours, 2,190 people infected in Serbia, 13 die

"Welcome to your second homeland": UAE president greeted Vucic with these words, 9 agreements signed

Vijesti newspaper reports that the murder of Jovan Vukotic has been confirmed

Storm in Montenegro: Flooded streets in Podgorica and on the coast

Vucevic: People like strong leaders, not empty shells that they formulate as institutions

Sveclja: The North is ours, we have three police bases, we are building another

President Vucic offers condolences after death of Queen Elizabeth: "She was the support of the entire nation"

The latest Covid report: 7 people die in 24 hours, 27 are on ventilators

Sveclja: Police started patrolling Lake Gazivode

Key policy rate raised: National Bank of Serbia tightening monetary policy

Milk shortage was short-lived, Nedimovic says people were needlessly buying as many as 20 liters at a time

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