Fight between migrants in factory grounds in Loznica, one person killed

Petkovic: Pristina is trying to save a member of so-called KSF who shot Serb children in Gotovusa

Nemanja Vidic explains why he withdrew his bid for Serbian Football Association president

Vucic: Before Ohrid, I will say how I see situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and what needs to be done

Vucic on Silicon Valley Bank collapse: "Serbians are safe, who knows what awaits us worldwide"

Serbian government sends 105 tons of humanitarian aid to Syria: "There is still more in warehouses"

We discover the role of the minor girl arrested in the Ranko "Eskobar" muder case

Djokovic and Nadal hold an 18-0 record that no one will likely ever break

"State is defended with great deeds, not words": Vucic's video summary of his visit to Pcinj District

Starovic: Now the ball is in Pristina's court, it must implement what it has signed

South of Serbia "in finals," competing for important and large R&D investment

Police reveal condition of officers who participated in arrest at Bezdan crossing involving radioactive item

This is Kristijan who died near Klek: He crashed his car into a truck, then ended up in a canal

BASF laying off 2,600 workers, you think they'd worry about workers in Serbia? Vucic's 3 key economy messages

Prince Filip: German-French plan is offensive to Serbia and unacceptable

Vucic congratulates Xi Jinping on his re-election as president of China

Lajcak: Community of Serb Municipalities will be formed based one of 15 existing European models

President Vucic and Russian Ambassador Botsan Kharchenko discuss situation in Kosovo and Metohija

These are the Croats arrested at Serbian border while transporting radioactive lightning rod

Serbian central bank (NBS) once again raises key policy rate

Photos from the Eskobar murder scene in Belgrade: Police shut everything down, eyewitnesses shocked

Todic: It is not easy to be a Serb in Kosovo, they hit where it hurts the most

Permit revoked for controversial building over a river in Tutin: 2,000 square meters have become illegal

"By banning Huawei in Serbia, European, not Chinese companies would be sanctioned": Brnabic clarifies dilemma

Vucic to address the nation tonight at 9 pm

Top traffic police officer's arguments aimed at reducing prejudices against women drivers

Women embody courage and strength, bring change and are pillars of society: Minister Martinovic's message

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