Goran's baby disappeared 20 years ago, and he doesn't want 10.000 euros, he is seeking for justice for 1.500 families and his child (PHOTO)

FOR A GOOD MORNING: Geese are crossing the road, and crossing, and crossing, and there is no end to it. All you can do is just wait (VIDEO)

The new generation of the most beautiful love couple: Malena hatched three eggs, Klepetan is jealously guarding them

Diplomatic Offensive begins: Goal - To prevent Kosovo's membership in Interpol

The whole world writes about the best love story in Croatia: Klepetan and Malena have 62 descendants, and he returns to her every year

Croats are inviting young people from Serbia who are ready for season jobs: Wages up to 650 euros, they don't even need a diploma

Arnaud Gouillon for Telegraf about the trip to Kosovo and Metohija which changes a man: When I'm not home, my three-year-old daughter says - Dad is in Kosovo (VIDEO)

Milo Djukanovic proclaimed victory! Montenegro got a new president

Haradinaj retakes the south of Serbia: He called Presevo and Bujanovac "East Kosovo"

The world's largest sports retail chain Decathlon arrives in Serbia (PHOTO)

The security situation in Kosovo and Metohija is very serious: Stefanovic warned the UN (PHOTO)

Serbia plays a key role: Merkel welcomed Vucic

Gay from Serbia has been living in Croatia for 4 years and is married to a man from Zagreb: I love this country, I have no problems here (PHOTO)

Election silence begins at midnight: Montenegro chooses the president

He was a Hungarian, a Catholic, he declared as a Yugoslav and he loved Serbia more than all of us: Shocking confession of a friend of the pilot who died (PHOTO)

A terrible warning by Wesley Clark: Brutal conflicts on Balkans are not the thing of the past

Jokic scored 35 points and had an attack for the win, but Denver lost the chance for the playoff after the extra time (VIDEO)

Famous Croatian philosopher about the situation in Europe and in the world: We asked him if the reconciliation on Balkans is possible and about his acquaintance with Assange (PHOTO)

Nole broke a racket on training, Vajda woke up a tennis beast within him! (PHOTO)

Vince Carter for Telegraf: I am amazed each time when I see Bogdan dunking in my honor! (VIDEO)

An airplane of Serbian Military crashed near Kovacica: The pilot has died! (PHOTO)

In this part of Serbia, the air is cleaner than in the Alps, people from entire world come here for treatment

Marko (15) from Leposavic lost his entire family four years ago: He is going to the parents' house every day, but there are no more tears (PHOTO)

The defender of the accused in the Zakynthos case: Serbian boys won't go to a lifetime in prison, even if it is proven that they committed aggravated murder!

The American professor on Kosovo situation: Serbs should stop dealing with illusions and they should accept reality

The most famous snout in Bosnia: A pig instead of a turn signal (VIDEO)

Catch it, if you can! Bobi Marjanovic humiliated the strongest NBA center, everybody was laughing, even the "Brow" (VIDEO)

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