43-year-old man arrested for making death threats against Vucic, senior state officials via Facebook

Vucic and Dodik wear masks as they meet in Belgrade to discuss coronavirus situation

New earthquake hits Zagreb

Pave is the first infected with coronavirus to publicly admit it: His sister reveals how he's doing

When did coronavirus actually come to Serbia? March 1, or 6?

Uzice "superman" enters Russia after 37 days of walking: Coronavirus puts many obstacles in his way

Dr. Nestorovic: Chinese doctors told me how they stopped coronavirus in Hainan in 29 days

Grande Deki helping Serbian doctors: Stankovic donates ventilators to fight coronavirus

Kurti signs proposal to abolish taxes: If adopted, the decision takes effect April 1

Starting today only on Telegraf: Play great games while in isolation - completely free!

"EU doing everything to help Serbia": Vucic talks with Borrell about coronavirus situation

Chinese ambassador in Belgrade: I am proud to represent my country among friends

Coronavirus epidemic officially declared in Serbia

World Health Organization doesn't recognize Kosovo: No information about coronavirus cases

Footballer Luka Jovic signed this document - to then accuse Serbian doctors of unprofessionalism

Bora Stankovic passes away: Departure of the man who changed global basketball forever

2 patients from Nis beat coronavirus: They were treated in hospital, new tests came back negative

Serbian carrier Air Serbia temporarily grounds its fleet for passenger traffic

Steel and digital transformation: Slovenian Steel Group CIO explains the process

This is the camp in Morovic which will accommodate Serbian citizens returning from abroad

All eyes at Sarajevo airport were on this Chinese man who wouldn't part with his strange mask

Fake message about impending shut-down of gas stations spreading in Serbia

Sackings in Pristina over coronavirus: Kurti dismisses minister for backing state of emergency

Belgrade's Nikola Tesla Airport closes today

Coronavirus confirmed in 8 more people in Serbia: 6 are on ventilator

Vucic and Merkel speak via conference call: These were the topics of their conversation

Serbians stranded at borders around the world: MFA set up crisis HQ, doing its best to help them

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