Dodik urges believers to stay in their homes for Easter, Vucic announces new meting with patriarch

Overall age structure of coronavirus patents in Serbia: 116 children under the age of 9 concerning

Vucic: I had no doubt Serbia would be among the most successful economies

Young man shot from moving car in Belgrade's Banovo Brdo: Said he went outside to throw out trash

Dr. Tiodorovic: The situation in Nis is very serious and unfavorable

Vucic speaks about Church's request: Have no doubt that I will support doctors and life

Vucic talks with Xi Jinping: Chinese president confirms he will visit Serbia

It is known how long the curfew will last during Easter weekend

In Serbia, 4,465 people have conavirus: In 24 hours, another 411 cases have been confirmed

Experts clear on ending curfew for upcoming Orthodox Easter: "Gatherings are high health risk"

Autistic children to be allowed to go out for walks during coronavirus curfew in Serbia

Tuman Monastery donates 4 devices to Pozarevac Hospital: "The Church is always with its people"

Latest list of cities by number of patients: Almost half are in Belgrade, one small town is critical

Famous wartime surgeon Dr. Lazic dies after testing positive for coronavirus

Top coronavirus epidemic doctor says he wants to quit: "Time to step back. I won't wage wars"

Coronavirus takes 5 more lives in Serbia: 3 men and 2 women die, their average age is 76

Upcoming Russian investments: Pavel Melnikov announces his plans

4,054 coronavirus cases in Serbia in total; There's been a record jump in new cases, 424 in one day

Three Serbian mountain resorts that are ideal for self-isolation at the time of coronavirus

Doctor on key difference between respiratory viruses, and this "more than interesting" coronavirus

Belgraders rush to streets as multi-day curfew ends: Crowds form once again, many don't wear masks

Predrag beats coronavirus and is the first in Serbia to donate blood plasma; gets call from PM

Dr. Stevanovic: The spread of the virus has slowed down, but we must keep on our toes

Drug smugglers in Montenegro fall on hard times: Coronavirus drains traffickers' supply routes

Dr. Kisic Tepavcevic reveals when we will be able to say that the virus is weakening

Dr. Kon: You must meet these 3 criteria to be tested in a Covid-19 infirmary

We've lost 5 more people to coronavirus in last 24 hours: 71 victims in Serbia in total, so far

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