These "urban bees" made their hive inside a spare tire - and drove round Belgrade all day long

Serbia is in 54th place on list of coronavirus-safe countries: What does Doctor Kon say about that

Photos of grave traffic accident in Batajnica: Brothers die, their car breaks in two

Prosecution after interviewing Juric for hours: Identity of pedophile politician not revealed

Masks and gloves to be obligatory only in one place in Serbia?

Sudden jump of coronavirus infections in Serbia: 96 new cases, 1 person dies, 12 on ventilators

Curfew reintroduced as North Macedonia reports record number of coronavirus infections

We'll stick to what's agreed, problem is Pristina's not doing it: Dacic on continuation of dialogue

Shooting in broad daylight near the Children's Dispensary in Cacak: Young man shot 3 times

7.6% of Serbian territory is now under protection: Strictly protected species live there

Abolishing "reciprocity measures" is first major test for government of Avdulah Hoti

Unreal seascape in Serbia: After 20 years, Stara Palanka beach cleaned up, it's an oasis now

Montenegro Airlines: "We suffer enormous damage. Connection with Belgrade is best regional line"

Minister: This epidemic showed that Serbia has a serious health care system

One more person dies from coronavirus in Serbia over 24 hours: 48 new cases, mostly in Novi Sad

"I'm not going to Brussels, I won't work with Lajcak": Thaci's new provocation

A boy from Serbia brutally assaulted by Paris police in emergency surgery: Next 24 hours are crucial

Serbian footballer wife's racist posts make his life hell: "Get divorced or leave, you're not safe"

President upset about "giving lithium away for free": Why isn't Serbia raising mining royalty

"From Belgrade to Loznica in 1 hour and 5 minutes. Medical workers may get another salary increase"

We swapped Sinisa Mali for Sinisa Mali: Who's a better minister, and who a better farmer?

"Hoti's positions must change or dialogue won't work": Drecun comments on new Pristina government

If you see many planes and helicopters flying over Belgrade tonight, here's what will be happening

"Strengthened bilateral relations between Serbia and Italy": Dacic and Italian ambassador meet

Migrants run riot in Zagreb: Get drunk, smash police station door, bite officers

No coronavirus deaths in last 24 hours: Virus confirmed in 69 new cases

This is the new government of Avdulah Hoti, two seats for Serb List

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