Microphone for Dacic, monograph for Vucic: What gifts did Lavrov bring to Serbia

Disturbing video of crash that killed 3: BMW smashes into van, then into Serbian government building

Not in the least naive figures today as well: 94 new coronavirus cases, death toll reaches 258

Black man from US flees to Serbia after George Floyd murder: I'm safe here, I'm a black Serb!

More and more asymptomatic coronavirus cases; but they can infect others, that's why virus spreads

Vucic after meeting with Dodik: "We have each other's back, relations at highest level"

Serbian minister Ljajic stage-dives like a rock star

BMW ran red light, collided with van? Accident in front of Serbian government leaves 2 dead

Discover the Djetinja River Canyon: 10 kayaks available for unforgettable rides on 900-meter trail

Jump in the number of new coronavirus cases in Serbia: 96 more people infected, one more death

"Serbia is small to command the White House, but big enough to say what its interests are"

Dramatic footage from Lucani: Tijanje River overflows, houses flooded, traffic stopped

Diplomat: Meeting in US should be introduction into continuation of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue

Migrants fight with knives in downtown Belgrade: Two people injured, one seriously

Montenegro: Budva Mayor Marko Carevic, President of Municipal Assembly Krsto Radovic arrested

Djokovic arrives in Zadar, Croatian Tennis Association president greets him at the airport

EU: We mediate in dialogue, help from any partner who shares same goal is welcome

Another person in Serbia dies from coronavirus: 256 victims, 59 new cases, 15 on ventilators

Vucic talks about the meeting in Washington: Recognition of Kosovo is not, nor will it be, a topic

A day after Trstenik disaster: Torrential flood piled up cars, "insignificant" stream created chaos

Worst traffic accident in Belgrade ever: Truck collided with bus, 27 bodies pulled out river

Constantine the Great Airport reopens, Air Serbia flies from Nis again

Prosecution orders autopsy of the body of Dr. Violeta, a well-known Serbian plastic surgeon

Vucic and Putin have telephone conversation: Kosovo and Metohija was among the topics

Grenell: Representatives of Belgrade and Pristina to meet on June 27 in the White House

Turkey set to soon open its Consulate General in Novi Pazar

One more coronavirus death in Serbia, 57 new cases confirmed in last 24 hours

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