All new anti-coronavirus measures will be in force as of tomorrow: Here is what you will have to do

Serbian killed in horrific accident in Tunisia, 3 injured: He fell out of taxi, died on the spot

Sharp increase in coronavirus patients with serious clinical picture in Vojvodina, including youths

West Nile virus now confirmed in mosquitoes in Serbia

Minister Mali: We can rescue or maintain, but the only solution for the economy is - a vaccine

Look at the warm greeting between Novak Djokovic and Milorad Dodik: No distancing in Serb Republic

"We will fight for interests of Serbia and Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija": Vucic on dialogue

Another 11 people die from coronavirus, 169 are on ventilators: 351 new cases registered in 24 hours

15 of Djokovic's most unusual photos in nature: What's in picture 9 would not occur to anyone

New measures in Serbia: Masks obligatory outdoors, children recommended to wear them; more bans

Disaster in Bajina Basta: Emergency situation, Healthcare Center closed, almost all doctors get sick

Tragedy near Novi Slankamen: A baby and a boy (8) die in a serious accident

Doctor Stevanovic: We lost a healthy 26-year-old, I'm extremely worried about what's coming

Thaci to appear before the Specialist Court in Hague again because of indictment for 100 murders

Collective immunity study: Instead of 7,000 families, only 1,000 people tested, here's why

Factory owner from Turkey says he's carrying only allowed amount of money: Customs think otherwise

More and more young people aged 20, 30 in difficult condition, age structure changed among victims

There will be no new restrictive measures: Crisis HQ repeats that personal responsibility is primary

Another 13 people die from coronavirus in Serbia: As many as 170 are on ventilators, 344 new cases

Many Croatian officials end up in self-isolation after wedding of a general's daughter

Marija reveals how coronavirus symptoms developed: "A strange feeling appeared only on the 3rd day"

Dacic: I will not work against Vucic, even if it means I will no longer be SPS president

Metropolitanate announces continuation of protest processions in Montenegro

Kon: It's easier to implement measures in a state of emergency, reduction in cases not encouraging

Novi Pazar mourns death of 3 young men in a crash and large number of people dying from coronavirus

Serbian culture minister on Hagia Sophia: "Politics defeat wisdom of both Christ and Muhammad"

Horror in Bosnia: Migrants set fire to the Pensioners' House in Bihac

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