Children with special needs were killed in a schoolyard. There were witnesses, but killers are free

Avdullah Hoti tests positive for coronavirus

Tiodorovic: Anti-flu vaccination needed more than ever, it should start on October 1

Quarantine and isolation in Montenegro reduced from 21 to 14 days

Employers can't lay off workers in Serbia until New Year: Deadline extended for another 3 months

Serbia considering introducing negative PCR test requirement for foreigners entering the country

8 more coronavirus victims in Serbia, as number of patients on ventilators grows; 339 new cases

Doctor Pelemis: Nobody's beaten this virus, maybe a vaccine will

Driver high on drugs caught speeding at 225 kilometers per hour on a highway near Belgrade

Darko Saric found guilty for drug money laundering and sentenced to 9 years in prison

Hungarians catch "mule" at airport: Kilo of drugs pulled from his stomach, he'd swallowed 55 packets

Short-toed snake eaglet tagged for the first time in Serbia, in Vrsac Mountains: "This is historic"

Novak shows his generosity, finances private flight to get baby Sofia to the US for treatment ASAP

RHMZ's new warning in effect until midnight: Extreme heat, then rain and storms in the evening

Djuric on Brussels talks: We sent clear message, language of blackmail not to be spoken with Serbia

US, Israel, New Zealand and Serbia first to receive permits to export seedlings to the EU

Fewer new cases than in previous days: 7 more people die, 150 patients on ventilators

Jasari, who battered his 5-month-old baby to death because she was crying, sentenced to 14 years

Moving scenes as Bosnian minister who died from coronavirus is honored in Sarajevo

Vucic: Serbia will be among first 20 to pay for vaccine, we'll try to give it to everyone for free

If you really must vacation seaside, Doctor Kon explains what's the only safe way to do it

Vucic: We will travel 1.5 hours to Nis, 27 minutes to Novi Sad! You can't have coffee in that time

Mali: Government adopting a new package of economic measures today, registration is automatic

Doctor Sazdanovic warns that coronavirus situation won't improve unless people show discipline

Doctor Gojkovic: Yes, unfortunately, a large number of coronavirus victims in Serbia were obese

If there's no water when you get there - you're sinner: The legend of secluded St. Sava church

7 more coronavirus victims in Serbia: 372 new cases, 143 patients on ventilators

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