This is the Serbian national football team's new away kit, inspired by Nikola Tesla

Hungary lowers the ramp, this time for everyone: Orban bans foreigners from entry by decree

Montenegrin election commission's preliminary results: This is the current situation

Serbian cardiologist warns: "Covid infection can leave lasting consequences on the heart"

Serb from America buys an entire ethno village in Kostunici for 45 million dinars

Latest cross-section n Serbia: 2 more people died from coronavirus, 108 newly infected

Gruesome photos from Sremski Karlovci accident: Truck gets completely destroyed, one person dies

Nemanja Matic definitely leaves Serbian team! FSS after shocking news: We respect Nemanja's decision

Crisis HQ decides: Here is whether Serbians who return from abroad will have to quarantine

Serious collision of truck, bus and car near Sremski Karlovci: Man killed, 13 people injured

"15 days of vigilance after vacation, our epidemiological situation is better than in region"

National Theater in Belgrade is preparing a spectacle on its balcony for Saturday

Djuric: "I am fed up with lies coming from Pristina, Vucic has a tough job ahead of him"

Remember the Serbian who rescued 12 boys from a cave in Thailand? He is very happy today

Government officially decides to assist hoteliers with 350 euros per bed, under only one condition

This is the first day without coronavirus deaths in Serbia in a month and a half; 125 new cases

National team member was killed at Red Star stadium: Predrag M. arrested after hiding for 23 years!

This is Knic murder suspect: He stabbed victim's body and head, a child saw everything

Djuric and Lajcak meet in Brussels

This is what Serbia's National Stadium will look like: 55,000 seats, worth 250 million euros

Emir Kusturica to make "The Bridge on the Drina" movie: A masterpiece on the big screen

Ratko Mladic from The Hague: I am alive and well and will live as long as our tribe is here

Pelemis: This is a brief lull, but those returning from abroad vcould spread coronavirus

Deceptive coronavirus Mondays: Why is epidemiological situation "the best" on first day of the week?

Horrific accident in Nis factory: Machine falls on 54-year-old worker, killing him instantly

Serbia will produce film, and TV series about the heroes of the Battle of Kosare

When will tests no longer be exclusive condition for entering Montenegro?

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