13 more people die from Covid in Serbia: 391 new cases, as 67 patients are connected to ventilators

"Get me Bajatovic, make it quick": Vucic wants information about gas pipeline for Prijepolje

Accident in Belgrade: Man falls from 17-meter high Kalemegdan Fortress walls, dies instantly

RK Partizan director: Youth player has been arrested, we deal with sports, authorities do their job

If you purchased this Vivax mixer, return it immediately, there is risk of it catching on fire

New protected area in the heart of the city: Krunski Venac's charming villas from early 20th century

Selakovic reveals the exact reason for recalling the Serbian ambassador to Poland

Look at the reaction of an Albanian delegation member as Serbia qualifies for Eurovision final

Shouts, sirens, smoke bombs: Video of arrests of suspected Belivuk group criminals

Horror scene in Stepojevac: Woman lies motionless under truck that struck her, miraculously survives

550 new coronavirus cases in one day in Serbia, 14 more people die, 70 patients on ventilators

From Saturday, one less Covid measure in Montenegro: Conditions for crossing the border unchanged

Video reveals mass grave at Kosare? Commander Djurkovic talks about operation against so-called KLA

"Peace, stability and military neutrality": Serbia states its position at EU Military Committee

99 illegal migrants found in central Belgrade: All have been taken to the Presevo Reception Center

Ruzic to the Crisis HQ: Better to allow graduation parties, than have students organize them

Ambassador to Poland to urgently return to Serbia for supporting LGBT without Ministry's knowledge

Vulin: New details in Belivuk case, several places found where members of the clan were hiding

Torrential flooding blocks villages near Ljig: "Cars can't pass, we don't dare go on foot"

Shocking footage of shootout in Novi Pazar: Bullets flying in crowded street, woman gets wounded

Another 15 people die from Covid in Serbia: 609 new cases, 80 patients on ventilators

Frightening video from Priboj: Man runs across the street, gets hit by car that sends him flying

"I'm not satisfied. No return to normal life unless more than 50% get vaccinated by June"

All those accused in the Belleville murder case could be facing life in prison

Dr. Kon on relaxing measures on June 21: That date was imposed by event industry, it can be moved

Dacic says other NATO countries should follow the Czech example: Apology is an honorable gesture

Gasa must raise €800,000 by May 25: "Deadline has passed, each day is important for taking medicine"

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