Deluge in Krusevac, terrible scene in sky above Aleksinac: Storm rumbles over parts of Serbia

Mother and child brutally assaulted in Sarajevo because of Red Star shirt: Attackers ripped it off by force

Serbian Deputy PM Aleksandar Vulin: I hope Romania will at least manage to keep access to Black Sea

Serbia, Serb Republic and Serbian people are not alone! PM Vucevic: We put up admirable resistance

Historian: Hungary is the only EU country that voted against Srebrenica resolution, showing its sovereignty

Serbian Government ministers: We saw who our friends are, most of the world was on the side of truth

Vucic's strong message at UN: What about NATO's bombing of Serbia and genocide against Serbs in world wars?

Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda and Malawi withdraw their co-sponsorship of Srebrenica resolution

Brnabic: I have never been so worried about peace in the Balkans

The moment chaos erupted at trial of accused mass murderer Uros Blazic: Victims' parents jumped on him

Djuric: "With utmost urgency Serbia appeals to all UN member states to oppose Srebrenica resolution"

Lightning lit up the whole city: Unreal scene above Belgrade's Temple of Saint Sava

Jevrosimovic reveals big plans to Telegraf: "For the first time Serbian athletes can win more Olympic medals"

Horror details about Tuzla crime, where man killed wife Amela and children with an ax: "Baby was in the crib"

Truck driver who ran stop sign, killed one person and injured scores, was on amphetamines

Vucic: I asked Ambassador Khalek Mahmoud for Egypt's support to Serbia in UN General Assembly

Belgrade Tower lights up with message important for all Serbs: We Remember

Nebenzya: Resolution can increase tensions in entire region, Serbia has Russia's support

Truck driver who caused horrific traffic accident was reportedly on drugs, is now under arrest

School in Gojbulja stoned, Office for Kosovo and Metohija: "Open threat against Serbs in Kosovo"

First photos from scene of horrific accident near Obrenovac: Brother of bus driver who died in tears

Minister Dacic: West pressuring countries that might support resolution on Srebrenica

Bus and truck collide near Obrenovac: There are dead and injured in serious traffic accident

Horror in Tuzla: Man kills wife and two minor children with ax, then jumps from 14th floor

Serb List on Postanska Stedionica raids: Persecution of all things Serb in Kosovo and Metohija continues

Minister Dacic offers condolences after learning about deaths of Iranian President Raisi and FM Abdollahian

12-year-old injured in swing ride collapse still in serious condition: Doctors are fighting to save her

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