Serbs will not be a target for extremists: Office for Kosovo and Metohija reacts to new attack

Vucic meets with Quint ambassadors: "We will in no way allow humiliation of Serbia"

46 patients die, 225 are on ventilators: 6,736 new Covid cases in Serbia in 24 hours

Terrible scenes from crash site on Nis-Doljevac road: 2 killed, Yugo crushed in collision with truck

Acquaintance of Zagreb father who killed his 3 children: "Only one of his messages was sincere"

How 61 criminals got arrested, 2.6 tons of cocaine seized: Serbian police in international operation

Serbian Army's combat vehicles spotted two kilometers from Jarinje

Free visit to fortresses, museums and zoos today and tomorrow: Serbia celebrates World Tourism Day

Day 8 of blockade at Jarinje and Brnjak: Previous night went peacefully

Russian Embassy in Belgrade: Serbia acts with greatest responsibility in Kosovo and Metohija

Crisis HQ expected to meet this week: Decision on Covid passes is on the table

The Kotez church, built during Patriarch Pavle's time, has most beautiful park on Danube's left bank

6,462 new cases in Serbia, 40 Covid patients die: 201 are on ventilators

City bus crashes into a park in Zemun: Five injured, four of them children

BIA agency employee assaulted: Attacker grabbed him by the neck and struck him on the head

Disastrous demographic statistics in Serbia in 2020: Births and deaths below and above the line

23-year-old woman infected with Covid who just gave birth dies in Nis

Stricter measures in Montenegro: People can no longer go to large supermarkets without a Covid pass

23-year-old new mother with Covid is in ICU in Nis: Today, Crisis HQ in that city to hold meeting

"Focus of all my conversations were events in Kosovo and Metohija. Beating of Serbs worries me"

"They cursed and threatened to kill us": Testimony of battered Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija

41 people die, another 6,480 new Covid cases in Serbia in one day: 191 patients are on ventilators

In the shadow of Ovcar and Kablar, there is a fascinating mountain: Orovica, a hidden gem of Serbia

Belgraders fill all slots for subsidized purchase of bicycles in one day

Pristina's special forces assault and batter three Serbs at Brnjak: One man is seriously injured

Well-known Serbian actor Nenad Nenadovic passes away from Covid at the age of 57

Office for Kosovo and Metohija director: Current crisis threatens to turn into something more

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