Courage or folly? Young man jumps into Lake Ledinci from great height: Onlookers anger people online

Vulin reacts to Srdjan Skoro's threats and plan for Danilo Vucic to "shower in uranium"

Details of tragedy in Novi Sad: Bodies of two men, one only 19 years old, found in burnt down apartment

Nikola Jokic gets annoyed after Serbia training session: He complains, so Bogdan "takes revenge"

President Vucic: "My request to speak to Putin has never been refused"

Man pulled out of silo in Surcin: Firemen rescue him from 9-meter-deep pit

Neighbors from Banjsko Polje testify in Danka Ilic murder case: Here's what the Tajkovics said

We learn the names of new witnesses in Danka's murder case: The girl's parents arrive at prosecution

Two automatic rifles, pistol, rifle grenade and more than 1,000 bullets found in this man's possession

Big scandal in Britain: While Djokovic was playing, BBC was broadcasting something else!

Drama in Belgrade: Citizens report seeing a man walking down the street carrying a rifle

Like father, like son: Watch Novak and Stefan play tennis, Djokovics "winning Wimbledon!"

Panic in Belgrade's Terazije Tunnel! Horror scenes on Line 95: "We will suffocate!"

Doctor arrested in Jagodina for prescribing insane amounts of human growth hormone to a patient

Prime Minister Vucevic target of cyber-attack: Criminal charges against unknown person who used his image

Borna Coric tells Telegraf: "I know some are angry with me in Croatia, Novak is always Wimbledon favorite"

Serbian General Army Staff meeting: Who is using aircraft to spy on central Serbia?

Belgrade chief negotiator Petkovic: Pristina is killing dialogue

"Our brother, Allah received you and honored you": This is Novi Pazar man's message in support of Zujovic

Petkovic: Pristina has demonstrated that it is not ready for normalization and further talks

Serious traffic accident on highway near Ljig: Car crushed, casualties transported to hospital

President Vucic attends session of Chief of General Staff's extended collegium

Lightning causes death in Montenegro, Turkish construction worker dies, too: "Suddenly day turned into night"

Novak Djokovic demonstrates his greatness by honoring his biggest rival

Telegraf at the most critical place in Belgrade: Knee-high water, cars submerged, people fear more rain

"Buddy, celebrate this as second birthday": Frightening video shows Belgrader narrowly escape tragedy in storm

Serbian Deputy PM Vulin meets with Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Aleksandr Grushko

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