Zvezda serije "Očajne domaćice" se skinula u bikini i pokazala kakvo mišićavo telo ima 55-oj godini
Teri Hačer, zvezda serije "Očajne domaćice" , nedavno je proslavila 55. rođendan, a svoje obožavatelje oduševila je fotografijom koju je objavila na Instagramu. Na slici glumica pozira u bikiniju, bez trunke šminke, pri čemu u prvi planu njeno mišićavo telo.
- Objavila sam ovu fotografiju jer je biti u telu 55-godišnjakinje za mene je oslobađajuće. Napokon sam shvatila kako je lepo osećati se u svojoj koži, možda ne baš svaki dan, ali dovoljno često - napisala je, između ostalog, Teri, pri čemu je potencirala važnost vežbanja.
Evo i fotografije:
Exercise has become a source of well being not a means to look good naked. As part of my @f45_training 8 week challenge we had to submit an after photo. So why actually post a pic of myself in a bikini? Well, this is my truth and being in this 55 year old body actually feels liberating. Here’s the thing. I’ve finally figured out how to be comfortable in my own skin. Maybe not every day but a lot of them. Age allows you to be clear on your purpose and cherish who and what you are grateful for. You have enough age to see the miracle of life and enough youth to revel in that knowledge. You can be vulnerable and strong at the same time. You can forgive others and yourself. You are willing to put in the effort to reach a goal...or not. And that’s okay. Mostly, you know to make the most of every moment. For me that is sharing joy & positivity, knowledge I’ve gained through experience both successes and failures, and helping to lift others up. Sharing myself in a bikini (which I may or may not ever wear again) Is me Being open to others, open to life... finding glorious connection and community. No filters, no makeup, no airbrushing, no negativity. Be strong enough to be vulnerable. #teristuesdaytips #birthdayweek #bekind #giveback #enjoy #liveyourbestlifeA post shared by Teri Hatcher (@officialterihatcher) onView this post on Instagram
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