Hale Beri ima brutalnu figuru u šestoj deceniji: Kako priprema svoje telo za film, posebna je priča
Glumica Hale Beri već decenijiama unazad važi za jednu od najpoželjnijih žena sveta, a mnogi ljudi govore kako izgleda kao "milion dolara". Holivudska zvezda danas ima 53 godine, a ima figuru da mogu da joj pozavide mlađe devojke.
Hale mora da bude fit ne samo zbog svog zdravlje, već i zbog svog posla, gde po pravilu treba da izgleda cakum-pakum. Berijeva za raznorazne filmove priprema svoje telo da rigorozan način, koji uključuje dosta odricanja, a pre svega i dosta vežbanja.
Happy #FitnessFriday, everyone! There’s no better feeling than setting a goal and smashing it. One of my goals for #BruisedTheMovie? Ripped Abs - and today? I finally got them, and it feels unbelievable! This #FitnessFriday, I encourage you guys to set your bar. What is your fitness goal? Set the BAR higher than you think, share your goal in the comments and HOLD yourself to it. The work won’t be easy, but that pay off? Worth every damn second. In the meantime, head to stories for my #BruisedTheMovie workout, courtesy of my performance coach @mubarakmalik, aka "Bar" and put that inner-warrior to the test! Happy Friday! A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) onView this post on Instagram
Hale često "visi" u teretani i redovno trenira boks.
- Boks je jedna od vežbi koja uključuje mišiće celog tela. Oblikujete svaki mišić i sagorevate veliki broj kalorija i masti. Smanjuje nivo stresa i razvija koordinaciju ruke-oči, jača vaše samopouzdanje i disciplinu. Ono što je najvažnije nikada ne prestajete da učite - rekla je svojevremeno Hale.
Kako je navela Berijeva, boks trennira više od 10 godina.
It’s #FitnessFriday and Boxing is name of the game this week!! #Boxing is still considered one of the best full body workouts. You’ll sculpt every muscle and burn major calories and fat. It dramatically decreases stress levels, develops hand-eye coordination and builds confidence and discipline. But most importantly...you’ll never stop learning. I’ve been boxing for the past 10 years and regularly for the past 3 and I love that I always learn a new way to challenge myself and work new muscles. I challenge you to pick up some boxing gloves and get at it...I promise you’ll have fun, get your heart rate up and sculpt your body at the same time!! Feel free to share your boxing photos with me at #PHITBoxing #Fitness #Wellness #WorkOutA post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) onView this post on Instagram
Pored boksa, Hale se bavi i fitnesom i često ističe da joj to pomaže kako bi vodila zdrav život.
This #FitnessFriday is for YOU - the ones who read my posts every week but aren’t ready to begin their fitness journey; the ones who say “I’ll start next week” or “I’ll eat better once this project is done.” I’m here to tell you - I GET it. We ALL have to nudge that inner-warrior in the right direction from time to time, and @peterleethomas and I are here to help! This week’s #PHITTalks tackle your Motivation-related questions : getting back in the saddle after an injury, motivating your friends (*ahem* @iamlindsayflores!), conquering Dad Bod and going from “I’m so tired” to “Let’s do it!” - Check stories for more & Happy Friday! A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) onView this post on Instagram
U svojoj šestoj decenij Hale kao od šale pravi vratolomije.
It’s #FitnessFriday and today we talk about the importance of trying something new. Many of us get stuck in our fitness routines and do the same circuits over and over each week. We do the same exercises for legs, the same for upper body, the same for abs and so on and then we wonder why we don’t see any real change in our body. Well, here is the answer. You have to shock your system and offer your body new exercises that it can respond to. Recently, I started doing #handstands with #donkeykicks and I noticed my upper body got stronger and more defined. So today in my stories, fitness icon @peterleethomas will show you 3 easy ways of doing old exercises to shock your body and get faster results. The #planche works shoulders, the #atomicclimber works lower abs and the #pistolsquat works the legs. I guarantee you you will see a change! I also shared two of my favorite lunch meals to have on the go. As always enjoy! #FitnessFridayHB #Week30A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) onView this post on Instagram
Tu su i uobičajene vežbe van svog doma i teretane.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. #SelfCareSundayA post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) onView this post on Instagram
Osim vežbanja, Hale veoma vodi računa o ishrani. Slavna glumica se podvrgla i keto dijeti, pri čemu je figuru doterala do savršenstva.
Berijeva tako ima tri redovna obroka - doručak, ručak i večeru, kao i užinu.
Za doručak Hale pije smuti od zelja i repe, za ručak se odlučuje za mešano povrće u kombinaciji sa tvrdo kuvanim jajetom, kao i za salatu od tune, mlevenu junetinu...
Za večeru Berijeva uzima vegetarijanski salatu, koja se sastoji od kuvanog jajeta, paradajza, krastavca, trapista i zelene salate. Preliviza ovo jelo su različiti, ali su bazirani na mlečnim prizvodima.

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Video: Tamara Milutinović ostavila u čudu gazdu hale u Republici Srpskoj, na nastup joj došlo 1.500 ljudi
Telegraf.rs zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
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Hale Beri ima dijabetes tip 1 i zbog toga vodi računa o svojoj ishrani, jer ona mora da bude usklađena sa insulinom koji prima za obroke. Zato Hale Beri izbegava masnu hranu koja ima produženo varenje jer je teško uskladiti brzo delujući insulin koji ima ograničeno vreme delovanja sa takvom ishranom. Najveći problem kod osoba sa dijabetesom tip 1 a naročito kod dece insulin - zavisne je merenje količine šećera u krvi mada za to sada postoje senzori koji nažalost našoj deci nisu dostupni jer nadležni nisu u mogućnosti da to obezbede zato što imaju druge prioritete. Takođe postoje i insulinske pumpe koje omogućavaju deci da vode gotovo normalan život ali i to nije dostupno jer su potrebne komplikacije da bi se do pumpe došlo. Nadležni trebaju da spreče da deca padnu u komu i umru zato što nemaju senzore sa alarmom koji su im neophodni a takođe su im potrebne insulinske pumpe zbog čega svoje telo bodu preko 15 puta dnevno za merenje šećera i davanje insulina .
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