Plavuša skuplja svoju menstrualnu krv i maže se po licu, pa slike postavlja na Instagram (FOTO)
Demetra Niks je provela mnogo godina života skrivajući svoju menstruaciju od dečka, i bilo bi joj vrlo neprijatno svaki put kad bi stigli oni dani u mesecu. Ali, u nekom trenutku shvatila je da menstruacija prelepa i snažna i želela je da to podeli sa svim ženama sveta. To je uradila tako što je počela skupljati svoju krv i jednog dana ju je čak namazala preko celog lica. Fotografisala se i postavila sliku na Instagram.
- Mnogo vremena gubimo na stid. Svaka naša menstruacija je magičan period u mesecu, ali nas društvo gura dalje od tog razmišljanja. Mene moje telo fascinira - rekla je Demetra i objasnila zašto postavlja svoje krvave fotografije na društvene mreže.
I used to spend my time worrying about what other people thought of me. I used to keep lists as a 12-year-old: what are all the ways in which I could be more attractive? What are all the ways in which I could make that person like me? How could I make my body more acceptable? How could I hide my blood, my skin, my wrinkles, my fat? In my twenties, the focus on my appearance shifted, but the root of where I spent my energy was the same. It was still spent on forming an image that would make other people approve of me. The one with the strongest body. The one that was peaceful and positive. The one who was a good student, the one who was a good teacher, the one who was fun and bubbly but not too loud. The one who could hold all of her emotions and was always working to get rid of her bad feelings. You have it too, don’t you? The one who is a good mom. The one who is a good daughter. The one who eats the healthiest. The one who is a good person. The one who has the most money. It was the same, though. The focus was different but it was still the same. It was still: how could I make sure the people whose opinions I cared about approved of me? And yet. It turns out none of that was ever necessary. I don’t do anything I do now for anyone’s approval. I don’t care about being seen as strong or successful or pretty or important. I also do not care if I am seen as jealous or angry or insecure or hurt or selfish or loud. Because what I have gained on this journey, finally, is the deepest love and total approval of my Self. What if you deeply, truly loved and *approved* of yourself? That is why I post my blood. It is a little to liberate other women and a lot to please my Self. I get so much pleasure from this ritual and I love feeling so free to share it and I love not caring what the reactions will be. That is how I live my whole life, now. If you want to heal in this way. If you want to learn this. SHAMELESS - my 6-week one-on-one coaching program for women is open for registration from now until November 27th. There are 3 spots available. Are you brave enough to claim yours? Message me xxA post shared by Demetra Nyx (@demetra_nyx) onView this post on Instagram
- To je u početku bio samo kreativni impuls jer sam želela da pomognem ženama da lakše prihvate te dane u mesecu i da shvate da čak i oni mogu biti zabavni. Moja krv mi sada predstavlja zabavu i osećam da me igranje sa njom opušta.
Demetra živi u Los Anđelesu, radi kao seks trener, i svoju prvu menstruaciju je imala sa 12 godina. Kroz celo svoje tinejdžersko doba osećala se posramljeno i ciklus joj je delovao odvratno.
Day 4 of the #sensualselfiechallenge. I coached clients from 10-5 today and am fulfilled and tired so totally appreciated the reason to turn on my music and connect with my own pleasure to take a photo. Today’s affirmation from @blacklorelei7 : “My sensuality is mine to own." We deserve to embrace and increase our sensuality. I bring sensuality into my everyday life by dressing up in pretty clothes. By luxuriating in soft bedsheets. By putting my hands on my own breasts for comfort, feeling my own curves. By self pleasure. By eating incredible meals. By taking baths, putting on lotion. By noticing how every trigger has an erotic energy to it - feeling those sensations throughout my body. My most sensual self comes out when I am most relaxed, when I stop trying to be productive, when I’m in nature, when I’m consciously bringing beauty into my everyday life. I’m going now to eat and take a walk and a bath and go to sleep. And do no more work today. Hope you are all having a gorgeous evening. ❤️❤️ And extra love to @evyan.whitney for doing the work of hosting this challenge 😘A post shared by Demetra Nyx (@demetra_nyx) onView this post on Instagram
Kako dalje kaže, mazaće se svakog meseca krvlju sve dok ljudi ne prestanu da se zgražavaju nad tim prizorom.
You are a jungle-child. Your body is meant to writhe in pleasure. Your body is meant to howl. Your body is meant to be covered in blood. Your freedom of expression has been Stolen from you. The witches are back. The witches are back. 🥀🌹 🌚 If you’re someone who gets a period... that’s beautiful. If you’re someone who supports your partner during their period... that’s beautiful. . If you think this is gross, why? . If you have a period and hate it, can you love it? Why not? (I’d love to work with you on this). . And if you’re one of the women in my inbox, sending me random photos of you doing this same thing... you’re extra beautiful. I love you. Send me more. xoxoxoA post shared by Demetra Nyx (@demetra_nyx) onView this post on Instagram
Video: Čeda Jovanović pokazao kako uživa u hladnim danima, evo ko mu pravi društvo zadržava sva prava nad sadržajem. Za preuzimanje sadržaja pogledajte uputstva na stranici Uslovi korišćenja.
Девојко,где ти је памет отишла?Ако ти ову бизарност називаш креативношћу,онда ти је заиста потребна помоћ психијатра..
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