Radojica je bio rudar, a ostao je paralisan posle nesreće na motoru: Sada je dobio električna kolica i namirnice za mesec dana (FOTO)
Rudar Radojica Radonjić iz Ušća dobio je električna invalidska kolica, kao i namirnice za mesec dana od humanitarne organizacije "28. Jun" i asistenta srpskog nacionalnog košarkaškog tima Adamom Tatalovićem. A pomogao je i Saša Đorđević, selektor srpske reprezentacije, koji im je podelio poklone.
Naime sve je počelo kada je Adam Tatalović, dok je odlazio iz manastira Studenice, fotografisao devojčicu koja gura svog oca u kolicima kilometrima.
This Photo Made All of Serbia Smile and Cry Dear Friends, A good friend of ours, Adam Tatalovic, an assistant with the Serbian National Basketball Team, was driving from Studenica Monastery when he snapped a picture of a little girl pushing her father in his wheel chair for miles. Adam couldn't get the image out of this head and contacted us to see how we could help. After days of searching we got in contact with colleagues of the man in the picture who told us about his life. 'R.R.' is a miner from Usce, who got in a motorcycle accident a few years back which left him paralyzed. He has a family with 3 young children who live off his disability pensions because he is no longer able to work. This is the first case in which the family we intend to help did not ask for help and this is why we are keeping them anonymous. We want to surprise 'R.R.' with a brand new electric wheel chair and need your help to make this happen and give this story a happy ending. All surplus funds will go towards helping his family. Credit Card: https://28jun.org/#donate PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/28jun Donacije iz Srbije: Ime: 28. JUN Dinarski racun broj: 265619031000037746 Raiffeisen banka Srbije We take financial efficiency and transparency very seriously at 28. Jun. We are the first humanitarian organization from the Western Balkans to be granted Special Consultative Status with the United Nations. With an estimated 10 million NGOs in the world, less than .0005%, or 4500, have achieved Consultative Status. The application process was lengthy and vigorous -- the UN's NGO Committee spent two years thoroughly vetting our finances and results. Tamara Hadzi-Pavlovic 28. Jun Executive Director #28jun #activism #advocacy #charity #charitytuesday #csr #donate #foundations #fundraising #grant #grants #grantwriting #ngo #nonprofit #nonprofits #npcons #nptech #philanthropy #sm4sg #sm4np #socent #video4change #volunteer #humanitarian #serbiaA post shared by 28. Jun (@28jun) onView this post on Instagram
Nakon toga kontaktirao je humanitarnu organizaciju "28. Jun" koja je uspela da identifikuje čoveka uz pomoć njegovih nekadašnjih kolegi koji su otkrili da se zove Radojica Radonjić, rudar koji je ostao paralisan nakon nesreće na motoru.
Njegova porodica sa troje male dece živi od njegove invalidske penzije jer više nije u stanju da radi. 48 sati nakon što je saznao za ovaj slučaj, "28. Jun" je sakupio sredstva i kupio kolica i ostale potrebne stvari.

Generalna direktorka "28. Juna" Tamara Pavlović, zajedno sa Adamom Tatalovićem, dostavila je električna invalidska kolica kao i namernice za mesec dana porodici Radonjić iz Ušća.
Adam je zatim napravio i "GoFundMe kampanju" za ovu porodicu i obećao da će sav novac otići za opremanje Valentinine sobe, devojčice sa slike. Selektor srpske reprezentacije Saša Đorđević takođe je pomogao tako što je poslao oficijalne stvari nacionalnog tima kao poklon porodici.
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