President Vucic speaks at the UN General Assembly: Serbia is neither Russia's nor the United States' slave

D. R.
D. R.
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The Serbian president addressed the UN General Assembly

The general debate of the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly has started in New York, where more than 140 world leaders and state representatives gathered, including President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic.

"I am addressing you on behalf of the Republic of Serbia, it is my honor to to that. Serbia is the founding country of the UN, the country of freedom and justice in whose name I proudly stand before you today. Ladies and gentlemen, when I speak about the present moment I must I say that the situation in the world is even more difficult than a year ago, There is no end in sight to this nightmare, today the humanity relies more on technology than humanity.

The Republic of Serbia and the Serb people deeply regret the lost lives, the world is on the brink of a nuclear disaster. We need to talk even when we disagree. Serbia will support greater presence of African countries in the UN Security Council. We have to renew our faith in peace, the only path that has no alternative. All of us here from around the world have done it for noble reasons. Leaders are addressing you, but they are actually addressing their nations," Vucic said.

"For me, my country is the most beautiful in the world and today it is a small pebble in the shoe of the powerful. We Serbs were not like others who welcomed the Nazis with flowers (in WW2), and we paid a heavy price. I want to warn you that the Pandora's box that was not opened two or five years ago, but much earlier, and about which everyone is silent. The supremacy of the West led to the end of history and the complete hegemony of Western ideas in all areas of social life.

Such a lack of balance destroyed both the USSR and Yugoslavia. This did not happen by accident or by itself, but with the participation of Western services, both in the USSR and in Yugoslavia. Today we heard from many here that the attack on Ukraine opened Pandora's box. That is false. Serbia supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but the leaders of major powers call for respect for the UN Charter - except when it comes to Serbia. In a rush of their own might, when they thought they could do whatever they wanted, they broke the norms of international law (at Serbia's expense)."

"Everyone in the world talks about Ukraine, but nobody talks about Serbia. We are servants neither of Russia nor the US, we have our own politics and our own interests. The world is now on the brink of disaster. For the small countries that have nowhere to turn to, the principles are the only thing left. Vladislav Jovanovic, an exceptional (Serbian) diplomat, urgently called on all countries to resist aggression against our country (by NATO in 1999). The real question was which country was next," Vucic continued.

He also asked how there can be peace in Kosovo and Metohija if the legal order and elementary rights of an entire people are systematically violated.

"The irrational nature of Pristina's politics, the fanaticism and the persecution of everything Serb in Kosovo and Metohija can be seen in a series of disturbing moves, from the ban on payments in the Serbian currency, which has lasted for more than six months, and the ban on postal services, which is unique in the world, even for a conflict area, which endangers the daily life of Serbs and other non-Albanian population - to the ban on the visit of the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Porfirije, to the Patriarchate of Pec," said Vucic.

"Serbia is on its European path and I sincerely want it to be part of the EU," he added, noting that the EU makes it clear that it does not want to respect the principles based on the UN Charter, or even the decisions of its European Council, since (some of its representatives) support so-called Kosovo's independence.

"Serbia is a small country that cannot compete with big powers and we are aware of that. We can only look to the future and wait for the moment when the principles of law will be turned around I believe that the strength of developing countries will be the foundation of a new and different, better world," Vucic concluded.

The debate was opened by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. President Vucic was the 14th on the list of speakers on the first day of the general debate.

The session of the UN General Assembly is considered one of the biggest diplomatic events in the world, and this year it is being held in the shadow of growing crises, conflicts and wars around the world.


Video: Vučić: Otvaranje brze saobraćajnice Šabac – Loznica će biti 15. decembra

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