
Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Drecun: There is an organized and numerous network of radical Islamism in our region

D. R.

Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

He stated that an extremely numerous, widespread network of radical Islamism has been created in our region

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Milovan Drecun Photo: Tanjug/Filip Kraincanic

A terrorist who wounded a member of the Serbian Gendarmerie in front of the Israeli Embassy in Belgrade on Saturday did not act alone, because his links with other religious converts who are members of the same organization have been discovered, says the chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs, Milovan Drecun.

"He was an active member of that organization and as far as I have managed to learn, he was not particularly accepted among the majority Wahhabis, especially in Novi Pazar and its surroundings, but he established good connections with Wahhabis from Kosovo and Metohija, as well as North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina," Drecun told TV Pink.

He added that Wahhabis gather in the village of Cabra in Kosovo and Metohija, that they have some kind of camp there and make decisions about future actions.

According to Drecum, the Wahhabi recruitment system is extremely well developed and tries to offer people facing certain social problems a place of refuge, like a new family.

"This is how they win people over. The Romani population is being targetted, especially in Kosovo and Metohija," he stressed.

There is an organized and numerous network of radical Islamism in our region, that is, of extremism and jihadism, terrorism based on the ideology of radical Islam, whose essence is to preach jihad against so-called infidels.

He pointed out that they gather in mosques that can be recognized by having two minarets, which are financed with money from Saudi Arabia and some other Arab countries.

"Preachers trained in centers in certain Arab countries go there. Where there are no mosques, they gather in private homes. In Belgrade, they gathered in Dorcol, Zemun Polje, Borca," he said, adding that the Wahhabis in the region are interconnected.

According to Drecun, their interpretation of Islam is not the traditional interpretation of this faith, and therefore Muslims in our country should not be viewed as the same as them.

He pointed out that this is a small number of individuals compared to traditional Muslims who are peaceful, benevolent, ready to coexist with their neighbors.

Drecun assessed that the fact that, until now, there had been no terrorist attacks in Serbia based on the ideology of radical Islam shows how successful our security services are and that they should be given full credit for that.


Video: Drecun: "ZSO mora da bude u skladu sa Briselskim sporazumom"

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