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Conference on Stepinac in European Parliament, harsh message from Serbia: This is "rehabilitation of fascism"

Vreme čitanja: oko 3 min.

Stepinac supported the NDH (Independent State of Croatia) and the leader of its mass murderers, Ante Pavelic, who was responsible for initiating three genocides - against Serbs, Jews and Romani

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Alojzije Stepinac, Jasenovac Photo montage: Wikimedia

A conference dedicated to Alojzije Stepinac was held at the headquarters of the European Parliament, organized by MEP Zeljana Zovko, from Croatia's HDZ party.

This caused stormy reactions from officials in Belgrade who described it as a provocative move, reports Euronews Serbia.

Despite all the protests and reactions, the conference on Stepinac was still held. Serbia's diplomatic mission to the European Union sent a letter to Zovko, and Euronews Serbia saw its content.

In the letter, deep regret was expressed because of the special emphasis put on the image and deeds of Stepinac, displayed in the European Parliament premises, bearing in mind that he is a historical figure who "opens up painful chapters from the past" in Serbia.

The letter states that for all citizens of Serbia, but also for the Serbian Orthodox Church, Stepinac is a person who was complicit in mass crimes against Serbs, Jews, Romani and other non-Croatian communities during the Second World War.

Also, it added that it is historically confirmed that Stepinac welcomed the establishment of the "Independent State of Croatia (NDH)," cooperated with the leadership of the NDH and played an active role in forcible conversion of a large number of Serbs to the Catholic faith.

"As is already known, for the above he was sentenced to 16 years in prison after the end of the war, in Zagreb, in 1946. The process of canonization of Stepinac is controversial and an open question regarding relations of the Catholic Church, the Holy See and the SPC (Serbian Orthodox Church)," the letter states.

The Mission believes that these are sufficient reasons make it necessary for Stepinac's image and historical actions not to be highlighted in the European Parliament, as well as that conferences like this one cannot contribute to improving relations between Serbia and Croatia and overcoming their differences. It is stressed that now more than ever, everyone needs a balanced and comprehensive presentation of complex historical events and personalities.

Harsh reactions from Serbian officials

Head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic says that the position of Serbia is that holding the conference is an attempt to rehabilitate and relativize a movement that symbolizes the genocide perpetrated against Serbs, Jews and Romani.

He also added that such conferences do not gather a large number of people, and that this is not the official position of the European Parliament. "The path of reconciliation in our region cannot lead through the rehabilitation of Alojzije Stepinac, and especially not in European institutions.

These institutions that we are standing in front of were created during victory over fascism. What could be more ironic than this? Those who gave their lives in the fight against fascism, I don't know how they would view the rehabilitation of fascism in these buildings," said Dacic, Euronews Serbia reports.

"We think that it is a deeply counterproductive, provocative move, which shows the degree to which the EU does not treat all countries equally, how everything is allowed to some, and that is why we sent a protest to European institutions. We know that nothing will come of that protest, but at least let it be known that we protested," added the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Minister of Defense of Serbia, Milos Vucevic, was in Brussels today and, when asked by a journalist to comment on the conference dedicated to Stepinac held in the European Parliament, said that it is not good for Europe either and that if Europe accepts such content, then he is worried about Europe.

Zuroff: "Stepinac deserves to be talked about badly, not to be praised"

The director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center from Jerusalem, Efraim Zuroff, also spoke out, stating that any attempt to honor or glorify figures who supported the genocidal government of the Independent State of Croatia is a disgrace and should be opposed.

"Stepinac, who supported the NDH and the leader of its mass murderers, Ante Pavelic, who was responsible for initiating three genocides - against Serbs, Jews and Romani, deserves to be talked about badly, not to be praised," wrote Zuroff.

Letters of protest have been sent to the European Parliament also by the Diana Budisavljevic Institute, and NGOs and historians from Italy, Canada and the US.


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