Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Azra, suspected of being part of the team that killed Ranko Eskobar, questioned: This is her statement

Vreme čitanja: oko 2 min.

Azra is suspected of stealing a Golf in Kraljevo and giving it to Luka and Stefan, who drove it to a gas station in Belgrade where they killed Radosevic

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Azra i uviđaj na pumpi Rušanj Photo: Nikola Andjic, Printscreen: Facebook

Azra Sabanovic, a student from Brcko, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, who was arrested in the Bjelava Student Dormitory in Sarajevo on suspicion of participating in the execution of Ranko Radosevic aka Eskobar in Rusanj, Belgrade, has been questioned in a court in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

At the beginning of the proceedings, (Judge) Uzunovic asked Sabanovic if she was in Serbia at the end of February and in March, and the young woman answered:

"Yes, I was in Belgrade until March 7."

Sabanovic also confirmed that she found out that a warrant had been issued for her only when the police in Sarajevo came to pick her up in Bjelave, avaz.ba is reporting.

Lawyer Samir Koco, who represents Sabanovic, said that the defense is asking for the case to go into regular procedure. Considering this statement, the judicial authorities of Serbia will be asked to submit a request for extradition with all the necessary documentation.

According to the warrant, it was requested that Sabanovic be detained, the judge will subsequently decide whether the student will spend the 18-day detention in prison or under house arrest.

"She is a part-time student, enrolled in a master's degree program, has two addresses, one Brcko and one in the Student Dormitory in Bjelava, where she was found. She herself said that she stayed in Belgrade, but we will see under what circumstances. Before the extradition request has been submitted, we suggest that she be released and placed under either house arrest or prohibitive measures. Azra is a child not connected to anything and has no intention of running away. She was not hiding," said lawyer Koco.

According to the international treaty on extradition of citizens, Sabanovic could be extradited to Serbia. Otherwise, the hearing held today took place in front of a judge of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sena Uzunovic, as part of extradition proceedings that were initiated after the arrest of Azra Sabanovic, for whom Interpol Belgrade issued a warrant for aiding and abetting a serious murder.

Judge Uzunovic stated that for this criminal act, if found guilty, a sentence of 40 years could be imposed in Serbia.

Five people participated in the killing of Radosevic in Belgrade, who is suspected of having had ties to a Montenegrin crime clan. For now, it is not known under whose orders they worked, but the murder was organized and it is clear who was in charge of what. Azra is suspected of stealing a Golf in Kraljevo and giving it to two other suspects, Luka and Stefan, who drove it to a gas station in Belgrade where they killed Radosevic.

She entered and left Serbia with her ID card. A minor who was arrested in Belgrade participated in luring Eskobar in, and yesterday Marko Pjanovic from Brcko also got arrested, also under suspicion that he helped in the execution.

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