Novak shows his generosity, finances private flight to get baby Sofia to the US for treatment ASAP
The best news of the day in Serbia is that funds (over $2 million) have been raised for the treatment of one-year-old Sofija Markuljevic and that she will soon travel to the US with the hope of getting cured of spinal muscular atrophy type 1.
Her parents informed the public that the money had been collected, and that it would soon be deposited to the account of a hospital the United States, while Novak Djokovic, along with businessman Miodrag Kostic, personally took care that Sofia arrived there as soon as possible by providing funds for a private flight for the little girl!
Once again, our ace showed he has a big heart.
"God willing, the plan is to make the payment to the hospital as soon as possible, enter the process of obtaining visas and set off for America. Afterwards, everything is in God's hands. The funds raised should be enough for a three-month stay in the United States. We hope that some unforeseen circumstances will not occur. We are especially grateful to Miodrag Kostic and his company, as well as Novak Djokovic, who provided a private flight to America, because their help came as the crown of this campaign for a better life of our Sofija. Without their engagement, organizing the trip to America in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic would not have been so easy to do. Our fight does not end here, because other children are waiting for their chance! Stay with us and thank you once again for your support throughout our fight!"
Apart from Novak and Kostic, Sofija's parents, of course, sent strong words of gratitude to everyone who helped raise funds in a record time.
"Dear people, we would like to inform you that we have received a confirmation from the Budi Human Foundation and m:tel RS that funds have been collected for the treatment of our Sofija and that we HAVE SUCCEDED! We have mixed feelings, we are not yet aware that we have reached the goal. THANK GOD AND THANK ALL YOU GOOD PEOPLE WHO SUPPORTED OUR FIGHT AND GAVE SOFIJA A CHANCE TO FIGHT! Thank you for every SMS, for every donation, for every like, share, thank you for everything that made it possible to raise funds for treatment in a little over 4 months of fighting. Sofija has united Serbia, the Serb Republic Srpska and BiH, Montenegro, the entire region and all our people in the diaspora, and this struggle of ours is proof that good people still exist everywhere! We owe great gratitude to our team that worked hard for the previous 4 months, came up with new ideas day and night, which gave us the strength to carry on even when it was hard..."
Dragi ljudi, zelimo da vas obavestimo da smo dobili potvrdu od fondacije Budi human i M:tel-a RS da su prikupljena novcana sredstva za lecenje nase Sofije i da smo USPELI! Osecanja su pomesana, jos nismo svesni da smo na cilju. HVALA BOGU I HVALA SVIM DOBRIM LJUDIMA KOJI SU PODRZALI NASU BORBU I DALI SOFIJI SANSU DA SE BORI! Hvala za svaki SMS, za svaku donaciju, za svaki lajk, share, hvala na svemu sto je omogucilo da se za malo vise od 4 meseca borbe prikupe sredstva za lecenje. Sofija je ujedinila Srbiju, Republiku Srpsku i BiH, Crnu Goru, ceo region i sve nase ljude u dijaspori i ova nasa borba je dokaz da dobri ljudi jos postoje svuda! Ogromnu zahvalnost dugujemo nasem timu koji je prethodna 4 meseca vredno radio, danonocno smisljao nove ideje, koji nam je davao snagu da idemo dalje i kad je bilo tesko... Ne bismo uspeli bez vas! @chikarile_drugi @savictatjana @glow_by_maya @tamarariistic @nadjaristic22 Ako Bog da, plan je da u sto kracem roku izvrsimo uplatu bolnici, udjemo u proces dobijanja viza i krenemo put Amerike. Posle je sve u Bozijim rukama. Prikupljena sredstva bi trebalo da budu dovoljna za tri meseca boravka u USA. Nadamo se da nece doci do nekih nepredvidjenih okolnosti. Posebno smo zahvalni Miodragu Kostiću i njegovoj kompaniji, kao i Novaku Đokoviću, koji su obezbedili privatan avio let do Amerike, jer je njihova pomoć došla kao kruna ove akcije za bolji život naše Sofije. Bez njihovog angažovanja organizacija putovanja do Amerike u uslovima pandemije korona virusom ne bi bila tako lako realizovana. Nasa borba se ovde ne zavrsava, jer i druga deca cekaju na svoju sansu! Budite i dalje uz nas i jos jednom hvala na podrsci tokom cele nase borbe! 🙏❤A post shared by Za Sofijin prvi korak (@zasofijinprvikorak) onView this post on Instagram
Video: Serbian MMA fighter makes a humane gesture for Sofijas first step
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