Putin's letter for Vucic arrives in Belgrade

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Agreements reached during our meetings in Belgrade and Sochi opened up new prospects for bilateral cooperation in numerous directions - the letter states

President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, today received Ambassador of the Russian Federation Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, who handed him a letter from President Vladimir Putin.

The letter reads:

"Dear Mr. President,

I cordially congratulate you on the New Year and the bright Christmas holiday. I emphasize with pleasure that lately, cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia has been developing along an upward trajectory. Agreements reached during our meetings in Belgrade and Sochi opened up new perspectives for bilateral cooperation in numerous directions. I hope that in the coming year we will continue to work together constructively for the benefit of the fraternal peoples of our countries. I expect your arrival in Moscow to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. I wish you, your family and loved ones good health and success, and to the brotherly Serbian people - peace and prosperity.

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Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić primio je danas ambasadora Ruske Federacije Aleksandra Bocan-Harčenka, koji mu je uručio pismo predsednika Vladimira Putina, u kome se kaže: „Poštovani gospodine predsedniče, Srdačno Vam čestitam Novu godinu i svetli praznik Božića. Sa zadovoljstvom naglašavam da se u poslednje vreme saradnja između Ruske Federacije i Republike Srbije razvijala uzlaznom putanjom. Dogovori, postignuti tokom naših sastanaka u Beogradu i Sočiju, otvorili su nove perspektive bilateralne saradnje u brojnim pravcima. Računam da ćemo i u nastupajućoj godini nastaviti sa konstruktivnim zajedničkim radom na dobrobit bratskih naroda naših zemalja. Očekujem Vaš dolazak u Moskvu na obeležavanje 75-godišnjice Pobede u Velikom otadžbinskom ratu. Želim Vama, Vašoj porodici i najbližima dobro zdravlje i uspehe, a bratskom srpskom narodu - mir i prosperitet. S poštovanjem, Vladimir Putin", navodi se u pismu. Predsednik Vučić i ambasador Bocan -Harčenko su se saglasili da između dveju zemalja vlada međusobno razumevanje, što je rezultat intenzivnog političkog dijaloga na najvišem nivou. Dvojica sagovornika su ocenili da je godina na izmaku posebno značajna za odnose Srbije i Rusije, imajući u vidu posete predsednika Putina i premijera Medvedeva Srbiji, posetu predsednika Vučića Rusiji, kao i sastanak dvojice predsednika tokom Foruma lidera “Pojas i put” u Kini. Ambasador Bocan-Harčenko je za sledeću godinu najavio i posete i drugih ruskih zvaničnika. Predsednik Vučić i ambasador Bocan-Harčenko su izrazili zadovoljstvo radom srpsko-ruskog Međuvladinog komiteta za trgovinu, ekonomsku i naučno-tehničku saradnju i predlozima za nove zajedničke projekte, u isto vreme konstatujući da se realizacija tekućih projekata dobro odvija, posebno u oblasti infrastrukture i energetike. Predsednik Vučić i ambasador Bocan-Harčenko su razgovarali o regionalnoj situaciji i pitanjima od globalnog značaja.A post shared by Aleksandar Vučić (@buducnostsrbijeav) on

Respectfully, Vladimir Putin."

President Vucic and Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko agreed that there is mutual understanding between the two countries, which is the result of intense political dialogue at the highest level.

The two interlocutors said the year that is ending was particularly significant for Serbia-Russia relations, given the visits of President Putin and Prime Minister Medvedev to Serbia, the visit of President Vucic to Russia, and the meeting of the two presidents during the Belt and Road leaders' forum in China.

Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko also announced visits by other Russian officials for next year.

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Predsednik Republike Srbije Aleksandar Vučić sastao se sa ambasadorom Ruske Federacije Aleksandrom Bocan-Harčenkom.A post shared by Aleksandar Vučić (@buducnostsrbijeav) on

President Vucic and Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko expressed satisfaction with the work of the Serbian-Russian Intergovernmental Committee on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation and proposals for new joint projects, while noting that implementation of ongoing projects is going well, especially in the area of ​​infrastructure and energy.

President Vucic and Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko discussed the situation in the region and issues of global importance.


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