Vucic sends condolences to Edi Rama after the earthquake: Special team from Serbia headed to Albania
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has extended his condolences to President and Prime Minister of Albania Ilir Meta and Edi Rama, in the wake of a devastating earthquake that struck that country.
President Vucic also spoke with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama on the phone this morning and offered Serbia's assistance.
"My condolences to President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania Ilir Meta and Edi Rama on the occasion of the strong earthquake that struck that country. We look with sadness at the images of the devastation in Durres and other places in Albania. I extend my sincere condolences to the families of the victims," Vucic said in a letter he sent.
Саучешће председнику и премијеру Републике Албаније Илиру Мети и @ediramaal поводом снажног земљотреса који је погодио ову земљу. Са тугом гледамо слике разарања у Драчу и другим местима у Албанији. Породицама погинулих упућујем искрено саучешће.— Александар Вучић (@predsednikrs) November 26, 2019
He stated that it was difficult to anticipate such disasters and stop the merciless force of nature.
"If Serbia can help in any way, we are ready to, within our possibilities, provide any kind of assistance in eliminating the consequences of the devastating earthquake," said the message of President Vucic.
Serbia immediately dispatched a brigade of firefighters, as first aid in eliminating the consequences.
"Montenegrin Prime Minister Markovic told me that a special team for evacuation of the injured is on its way to Albania, while another rescue team is departing from Serbia, President Vucic told me," Albanian Prime Minister Rama wrote.
Kryeministri i Malit të Zi, Markoviç, njoftoi se një skuadër speciale mbështetje për të dëmtuarit po niset drejt Shqipërisë dhe po njësoj, një tjetër skuadër mbështetëse nga Serbia e specializuar në raste emergjencash, po niset drejt vendit tonë, më komunikoi Presidenti Vuçiç🙏— Edi Rama (@ediramaal) November 26, 2019
Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic also offered her condolences to Rama after the tragedy that stuck his country.
Упућујем изразе саучешћа премијеру Републике Албаније @ediramaal и свим породицама које су изгубили своје најмилије у јутрошњем разорном земљотресу.— Aна Брнабић (@SerbianPM) November 26, 2019
In a strong, magnitude 6.4 earthquake that shook Albania at around 4 in the morning, at least 13 people were killed and 300 injured. Significant damage has been done in Durres, Tirana and other cities.
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