Balkan has been talking about this beautiful couple from prom for days: Andjela and Damjan told us everything about the night and the reactions of people, and they sent an important message (PHOTO)
Andjela Bogojevic (18) and Damjan Tomic (19) were in the limelight of Balkan public when they published photos from their prom. Everybody was amazed that two people showed that there is no visible difference between them.
Irena from Belgrade got married on a beautiful Greek beach, and it cost 0 dinars (PHOTOS)
Damjan has muscular dystrophy and he is in a wheelchair, he was dressed in a beautiful suit and he showed up on the prom with his friend and he dedicated beautiful lyrics to her, just like the two of them - prince and princess.
*Because you are a princess from another world* - he wrote with the photo he published.
✨👸jer ti si princeza neko drugog sveta👸✨A post shared by Дамјан Томић (@damjantomicc) onView this post on Instagram
- First of all, you don't expect it to happen in this great number and that people will react like this. There is a lot of children with various handicaps and disabilities which could be hurt with this, and the difference is made as if they are different - Damjan starts his story.
He adds that no one should take this as pitty, but as support.
- I am not for pitty, I consider myself to be the same as Andjela or anyone else, and she thinks the same of me. So, life is a struggle, we all have unpleasantries and bad experiences because of something that we are, but I consider that everything can be overcome with love. The one you get from people close to you, and the one you give to others - said Damjan for "Telegraf".
"Sve srećne porodice liče jedna na drugu, svaka nesrećna porodica, nesrećna je na svoj način" rekao je veliki Tolstoj. Oduvijek sam vjerovao u nasu sliku srećne porodice, vjerovao i vjerujem. Mi saborci prebrodili smo mnoge bure, prezivjeli mnoge ratove a opet ostali zajedno i izasli iz svega 10 puta jaci. Jer kada vlada jedinstvo porodice ni jedna sila ne moze da poremeti nista, jer kada je sklad iznutra sve ide mirnim tokom. Sve dok je porodica na okupu sve ce cvjetati, a kada ona nije kako treba, nista nije. Boricemo se da ocuvamo ovu oauzu koju smo 19 godina zalivali i njegovali zajedno, spremni za nove pobjede i nove bure, koracamo sigurno. Volim vas najmiliji moji. ❤️🥰A post shared by Дамјан Томић (@damjantomicc) onView this post on Instagram
His friend Adjela, which should graduate in 2020, decided to be his date when he told her that the girl he asked first couldn't make it to the prom.
- First, he thought that this is a huge obligation to me and that it can't be done, but I proved otherwise. His excitement and fulfiled me and I tried to make this one of the most beautiful nights possible. Honestly, I didn't expect support like this and the media from all sides, I felt uncomfortable at some moments - said Damjan's date.
Zdravo Damjane iz budućnosti pišem ti ovo pismo da me ne zaboraviš. Nadam se da me se sjećaš, prošlo je mnogo vremena, nadam se da si ostao isti da držiš do onoga što su te roditelji učili, da si dobar čovjek prije svega. Poštuješ li druge? Imaš li ljubavi za ostale? Osjećajnosti? Nadam se da imaš. Nadam se da kad ovo budeš čitao, da ćeš uveliko uživati u ciljevima koje si ostvario, nadam se da si tamo gdje si stremio da budeš, da si okružen ljudima koje si volio, i koje voliš. Nadam se da te niko nije napustio, i da jeste ne očajavaj uvijek oni koji su trebali da odu otišli su, a koji su tu, da su tu jer su trebali biti gdje jesu. Volio bih da si srećan i da uživaš u tome što radiš, jer učio si se da posao ako se ne radi iz ljubavi i s ljubavlju ne vrijedi mnogo, nadam se... Nadam se da si dobro, da su ljudi koje voliš zdravi i srećni, porodica, prijatelji, iskreno se nadam... Ne, neću se nadati, ja vjerujem jer sila vjere je najjača na ovom svijetu, vjera u dobro. Ja vjerujem u tebe Damjane da te ni jedna sila ljudska ili viša ne može promijeniti a i da pokuša kad god vidiš da se mijenjaš pročitaj ovo i sjeti se vjera i ljubav u životu su najvažniji, i poštuj sve kao što si i poštovao, šaljem ti pozdrave.👨🎨A post shared by Дамјан Томић (@damjantomicc) onView this post on Instagram
As our interlocutors said, this was a friendly gesture, so it is no surprise that reactions are like that. They said that society has "lost the sense for true value, so the support of a friend is treated as a feat".
- We need more girls like Andjela, instead of making this a normal thing, it is rare. When something like this happens, people are amazed. As long as there are people who can amaze us like this, there is hope for this world - said Damjan.
This boy is grateful to his parents the most who raised him to be a man, that every other difference is not important. The class teachers Gordana Zekovic and Vesna Tomic, and the assistant Ivana Pavicevic, are the second greatest support he has had and they helped him finish the school the best way he could.
It takes so little to make a man feel nice, Damjan is also thankful to his class because he has "four wonderful years" behind him.
Tomic said that it was hardest for his parents before the prom since this graduate is very needy.
- And the greatest thank you to my parents because I really put them through trouble in order to find clothes that I imagined, I was really perfectionist about it. In the end, we succeeded. If I am half of the man as they are then I will think that I have succeeded in life - said our interlocutor.
Andjela adds that she left the celebration with a full heart, she was very proud that she was a part of it and that she attended Damjan's happiness.
- The society should live without prejudice and without unnecessary labelling. Follow your heart, be people, judge less, because if he can't walk, he can make many steps. Miles aren't crossed with feet, some are crossed with heart, soul, and thoughts - said Andjela.
At the end of our conversation, Damjan revealed what words are his guidance.
- Everybody is the same in this world. We divide our selves into humane people and inhumane people, there is no religion, skin color, language, just like the great patriarch Pavle said. Love is the same in every language - said Damjan at the end of the conversation.
VIDEO: Graduates celebrate the end of school in Vranje
( /S. Cenad -
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